Part 2: The Entrance Ceremony

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Inside the High School...

The entrance ceremony was in progress, taking place inside a covered court. Right now, the student council president, Manabu Horikita, welcomed the freshmen and began his speech. During the speech, the students of Classes 1-A, 1-B, 1-C, and 1-D listened, though two students from the D class were nearly feeling like they wanted to doze off. Y/n took a glance and noticed that the same girl from the bus was in their class, along with the other two students involved in the earlier commotion.

It now cut to the 1-D classroom, where boys and girls were mingling and bonding in ways that helped them get to know each other through various interests. Some students were seated, waiting for the homeroom period to begin.

Y/n was seated at the bottom corner on the left by the window, their heart racing with anticipation. They glanced over to see the girl from the bus reading a book. "What an unpleasant coincidence," she spoke first while reading.

"The same goes for me," Y/n replied quietly, not wanting to draw too much attention.

"Everyone, may I have your attention please?" A teenage boy with blonde hair and greenish-brown eyes stood up, making the first move of leadership. "I was hoping we could all introduce ourselves to get better acquainted early on the first day. Besides, the teacher doesn't seem to be here yet. What do you think?"

Many agreed to this, and with that, he went first. "I'm Hirata Yosuke. Just call me Yosuke. My hobby is all kinds of sports, and I intend to join the soccer club at this school. Nice to meet you all!"

Everyone cheered for him, and Y/n thought, "I bet he'll end up being the center of the class." The girl beside Y/n made her move next. "I'll go next! My name is Kushida Kikyo. My goal is to become friends with each and every one of you! I wish to make lots of good memories, so don't hesitate to invite me anywhere!" She then took a bow, and many boys cheered for her.

As introductions continued, Y/n felt a mix of anxiety and determination. When it was finally their turn, Ayanokōji stood up first. "Hi, I'm Ayanokōji Kiyotaka. I enjoy studying and learning about various subjects. I look forward to working alongside all of you." He sat down, keeping his tone calm and collected, earning a few nods from his classmates.

Y/n then stood up, trying to remain low-key. "Hi, I'm Y/n Kim. I enjoy reading and playing games. I hope to get along with everyone here." They offered a small smile and quickly sat back down, hoping their brief introduction would suffice.

A few claps followed, but Y/n didn't seek any attention. Ayanokōji, sitting nearby, noticed the girl beside him smirk slightly at Y/n's understated introduction, appreciating the humility.

Once done with the introductions, Yosuke was about to continue when a male student with red hair and a hot temper placed his right foot on his desk with force. "What's with the introductions? What are we, little kids or something?! Do it with someone who'll listen to that piece of shit!"

Just then, the teacher arrived, a serious-looking female named Chabashira Sae, and the whole class sat down. She placed a stack of books on her table and began the homeroom class. "I'm the homeroom teacher for Class 1-D, Chabarisha Sae, and I will be with you all for the next three years until your graduation." She then showed everyone a book. "First, I'll hand out the school rule book. Take one and pass it back." The students obeyed as those at the front took one and passed the rest to their classmates.

Once everyone had received the rule book, she continued, "We have special rules at this school. First, you will live in dorms, and while in school, your ability to leave campus and contact the outside world will be limited. But fear not, this school has a variety of facilities lined up. All your daily needs can be found here, including entertainment." The teacher then took out her phone, the one the school issues to the students and staff. "To buy things, you will use points stored in the school's official computer system on your phones. You can buy anything using points, and they are allocated on the first day of each month. One point equals one yen, and you have been allotted 100,000 points for this month."

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