Chapter 3- The Castle

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It felt like forever as we walked on through the woods, Sesshomaru not saying a single word for what felt like hours. Until his voice finally broke the silence, seeming to decide to voice something that had been on his mind out loud. "We would get to the castle much soon if we filed on my cloud." My eyes wondering over to him, his eyes showing only a hint of something deeper, as if he was talking about something trivial to distracted himself from the real problem. Not even wanted to touch on the real issue, fearing it'd only result in something unpleasant, I instead act like I didn't notice it and simple respond to what he actually said. "Then why didn't you say something sooner? We've been walking for hours and the castle in miles from where we are now." His brows creasing then Sesshomaru turns his gaze to me stopping in his tracks before he speaks, his expression showing slight irritation within them. ".....I was busy thinking about something...something that weighs heavily on my mind." Hearing that only caused my curiosity to get the better of me, but I would come to regret even asking what I said next. "Oh yeah? What were you thinking about?" Not asking because I wanted to poke at what was causing him to be so distracted, but it seemed that's exactly what I did. Because in the next instant I was knocked off my feet and flat on my back with Sesshomaru on top of me, pinning me down both my arms tight in his clawed ones above my head. His gazed down at me with cold eyes for a long time but then I saw a flicker of something I'd not seen before, desire, love, and passion. But in a flash it was gone as quickly as it appeared and his cold gaze returned, leaning down to my ear and whispering something filled with ice. "Do you really want to know what I was thinking, Inuyasha?" I sensed he was trying to get a reaction from me, one he wanted. But I wouldn't give it to him, so instead I set my jaw and responded. "I don't. Now get off me, your heavy." I huffed the last of my words with annoyance as I set my eyes to the sky above me. Not sure if he heard what I said or not I tried to push him off but he didn't budge, I was getting really fed up with this and my patience was wearing thin, and it seemed my brother noticed it as well. Because not even a second later I felt the sharp pain of fangs sinking into my neck and an ache that send a shiver running throughout my whole body, winching in pain I go to pull away but he holds me fast, not allowing me to move in inch. "o-ow...oww damn it! Stop it you teme!!" my voice showing signs of desperation. With your brother biting you all of a sudden I'd say anyone would react the same. Sesshomaru released his grip on my hands and I felt his fangs leave me finally, the pain slowly fading as he got up off of me and stood, then grabbed me by the arm and picked me up off the ground. Beneath his feet fog began to swirl around him and in an instant we were flying above the land on a cloud. All too happy not to be walking I wasn't about to comment on it, but I did have something to say about him biting me, what the heck was that about?! It hurt like hell! "Why the hell did you bite me?!" Sesshomaru simply glanced over his shoulder to look at me with a very serious expression on his face before saying anything back to my loud questioning. "Just putting a collar on what belongs to me. For now that's all you need to know." Completely confused by what my older brother said I just stare at him for a few minutes with a look that screamed ~What the heck do you mean?!~ Before I grumbled a few curse words under my breath and said something back in return. "Tch. Whatever. Your making no sense." He didn't say another word after that, and it felt like hours before we finally got to the all grand Western Land castle, the home my demon kin ruled over. Back on the ground, Sesshomaru's cloud disappear then and he looked over at me, his deep dominating voice breaking through the silence that had be hanging over us for far too long. "Come, Inuyasha. It's time you know the real reason I brought you here." For reasons unknown hearing my brother say that gave me a bad feeling, one I was still unaware of as I watched the overly large gates to the castle open. Taking a deep breath then letting it out slowly, I only hope the little voice in my head is wrong as I walk past the gate an enter the castle grounds as I followed after Sesshomaru. 

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