Chapter 4- New Life

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We walked through the palace gates and were greeted by a few of the guards that were standing watch at the doors to the castle, as soon as they saw Sesshomaru they all bowed there heads low and respectfully shouted a "Welcome home, Sesshomaru-sama!" My older brother nodded to them and kept on walked, not even bothering to even look or glance back at his subordinates, all of the demons looking as small as ants to Sesshomaru. Inuyasha didn't even want to imagine what those lesser demons had to go through being under his brothers rein. Not wasting another second on that thought I focused my attention on what was in front of me, taking in the grand design of the walls, ceilings, and furniture that made it's home in this spectacular castle. This was my first time ever in this place and I couldn't help myself when my eyes focused on one thing or another, everything seeming to catch my attention. Since I'd never been in such a large building filled with so many things that shined and sparkled in the moonlight, it was almost like stepping into a different world. I was so used to houses that had nothing more then a fireplace and a place to sleep and eat, so put in such a completely different environment was like trying to feed a cat salad when it was used to fish, yeah...that'd take awhile to get used to. That's how I felt right now, totally out of my element. Sesshomaru roughly tugged on one of my dog ears and I yelped in surprise, so engrossed in everything around me I completely forget my brother beside me until I felt the slight pain when he pulled on my sensitive ears, my attention now fully back on him. I look at my brother with a sheepish expression, feeling a little like a baka for acting like a kid a new store. Sesshomaru gave a stern gaze and pulled on my ear once more as he spoke. "Stop gawking like a child. Are you a little kid or something?" I could heard the underlining of mild amusement and slight annoyance, as if he were somehow enjoying my reaction to his home and still somehow mad at the same time. I didn't understand why though and I didn't care to ask, so instead I smacked his hand away and saw him smirk as my cheeks flushed in shame and embarrassment. "Shut up! I've just never been in such a big place before that's all." Ignoring my small outburst Sesshomaru turned on his heels and kept walking in the direction we'd been going in, it led us down a long hallway that seemed to go on forever. I followed at his side, occasionally looking at the pictures on the walls and stain glass windows that were as big as trees. "We'll be there soon, I hope your ready for what comes." I glanced up at the sound my older brothers voice, hearing worry deep in every word he spoke. What could be he so worried about...? And what the hell did I need to be ready for? The more I thought about this the worst my thoughts became, and I only hoped that what happened next wouldn't change my life in any way. But that's exactly what happened.  After what felt like hours we finally made it to a large metal door at the end of the hall, on the metal was what looked to be two dog demons in there true form, undisguised and in all there glory. If as sensing our very presences the metal doors open with a faint squeak and reveal a large open room with the same tall windows inside and a white throne in the way back at it's center, when my eyes had finished inspecting the room itself I then noticed that there were quit a lot of lesser and middle class demons all gathered on either side of the room. All there black beady eyes set on Sesshomaru, while a lot took notice of my presence next to me and gave cold stares, with looks that could kill if I had to give it a feeling. They seemed to be annoyed and enraged to see me so close to Sesshomaru, as if I were to touch him that'd choke me till my eyes popped out. Ugh...what an unpleasant bunch they were. I only hoped I'd be able to get out of here soon and live to see another tomorrow, so as not to cause anymore dagger eyes thrown my way I remained silent. Now standing at his throne, I not knowing where exactly to go, stood by him. Which no one in the room looked pleased about, but I saw my brother stare them down with deadly icy gaze that made them all go quite and that's when he spoke. "As you are all aware, this is my twentieth year on the throne and I know most of you have asked to be my mate over the earlier years I reined. But--" My brother paused to look over at me with eyes that were screaming for me to listen and not turn away. And I couldn't, his piecing eyes where so intense I keep my eyes glued to his, my attention on him till he broke the gaze he held me with and turned back to his subordinated. "But I can't accept anyone...anyone but this male here." He raised his one hand to me, and shown me a most desirable and dominate look, not ever I knew how or what to do. Completely in shock and stunned I stood there like I was frozen to the floor. Huh...? What...did he just...just say?  As I was desperately trying to make sense of what was going on, the room erupted with loud protests and yelling as if we were suddenly placed in a court room, and I was on trial. This was not good. "Silence! I will not hear another word about it. Anyone that dares object to my mate will be my enemy. I'd advise you all to trade carefully, if not you won't be seeing the next sunrise." With that the whole room went quit again, and it was only after he lost the look of a ice prince that everyone started to talk normally. "Sesshomaru-sama, if this is your decision then we will accept it without question, forgive our rudeness." The rest of the demons all chimed in with similar words of apology, and soon they all lost there threatening tones and sounded cheerful. After if seemed like they all got the message of the situation, he cleared his throat and opened his mouth to silence the room once more. "Inuyasha will be living here from now on, so make sure to make him feel comfortable, and do not think to hurt or touch him when I am away or the ones responsible with die a most painful death." With those last words he waved for them all to leave and the demons bowed to him and quickly left the rooms before I could bat an eyelash. Sesshomaru turned to me then and, taking in the shocked look on my face he walked over to and place a hand on my cheek. He lightly tapped my cheek a few times bringing back to reality. Blinking a few times before finally looking straight at my brother, once I got my thoughts back in order I when to open my mouth to yell every word I could think of at him, but was stopped by his index finger touched my lips keeping me silent as he spoke up. "You wanted to know why I brought you here, right? Now you know the reason. I'm taking you as my mate, you should be happy. I didn't intend to make you mine until you were--" But Sesshomaru was cut off when I smacked his hand away, for the second time today might I add. "W-what the hell?! way! I won't! And besides I've never heard anything about this from you before, why now of all times!" There was so much chaos going on in my head I thought my brain might just explode at any given moment, but it didn't...nope it just ached like I was getting the worst fever of my life. I couldn't wrap my head around any of this new information, it was too much all at once. I didn't think coming here would result in something like this, that was the furthest thing from my mind. But one thing was clear, I wasn't ready for something like this. I mean for one, my first heat was this year and I wasn't ready for rutting on my first time, the thought was somewhat scary. After all most other males were too mean, injuring there partner without even realizing or caring for that matter. There was no way I'd want to start out that way, yeah count me out. My brother was quit the rough and dominate type, if his personality didn't show that side enough already. As for us being both males and siblings, most would find it odd but for demons it was very normal almost more the norm then a girl and guy with humans, it was like that. For demons it was fine either way, and in strong blooded demon families, those with the most power normally choose a family member as a mate, gender had nothing to do with it, it didn't matter at all. That however to me didn't matter either, that's not why I was being stubborn and not agreeing. I simply thought being my brothers mate would be too much to handle, and why me anyway? All my life he'd treated me so coldly, as some point along the way I thought we were enemies. But now with everything he was saying, I just didn't know what to believe. " head hurts." As if sensing my sheer panic and confused filled anger Sesshomaru took my hand and brought it up to his lips, shook from my inner thoughts I set my eyes on his, seeing a deep rooted amusement and a hint of desire as well as I felt his breath tickle my fingers that were now on his soft lips. Hearing him talk only made my heart beat faster as his breath rolled over my skin like ocean waves. "That's a nice look you got on your face there, Inuyasha." He grinned and I could feel him bite my fingers gently as he keep talking, his voice soft and calm, looking like none of this was no big deal. "T-teme! D-don't you say...another word. You may think this is amusing, but I don't!" Sesshomaru chuckled at me, seeming to very much enjoy my reactions. "Yes, I am amused. Amused that you think you can run away from me, impossible. I won't let you." Hearing this I found my face flush and I turn away, now looking away from him, even when I do his voice still reaches my ears and that's just the same as being touch by him physically. "I'm sure you must know this yourself already, but this is your first spring...and with it, this will be your first heat. I never wanted any other male to have you so I keep watch over you all those years. Waiting for this day, when this season I could finally after so much waiting...claim you as my own." Taking this all it, the words other lesser demons had said resurface in my mind. "Sesshomaru-sama is this your reason for refusing all the mates asking to be yours all this time?! You can't be serious." Is that really true? Was what those demons said really the truth. And if it is true, how do I feel about it. Well to be honest, I'm in shock and not sure can believe it at all. But I just have this gut feeling that it's not a lie, I can't say why but I do. Turning my face back to my older brother my eyes find his, searching for any signs of lie and no matter how hard I stare his eyes near look away from mine. He holds my gaze firm and I see only truth and not a trace of an something that could be a lie. With my reasoning clear, and trying not act like I didn't hear what he just said, out of embarrassment and nothing else. "Can you...let go of my hand. If I have to stay, then fine. But don't think you'll sleep in my bed." At that he released my hand, my fingers gone from those soft lips now, somewhere in my mind I already missed the feel of them. He sighed seeming to give up on pressing on what he'd just said, figuring Inuyasha would find out very soon what he meant and experience what a heat was like first hand. The first was always the strongest and lasted for a week or two, with that thought in mind he smirked at the future. Then pushed it away for now and drew his attention back to the present, staring at Inuyasha for a few seconds before speaking again. "I already prepared a room for you to use, it's late...follow me and I'll show you to your room so you can go rest for tonight." With that said he turns, looks over his shoulder at me and the walks to the tall double doors as the open at his presence. I quickly chase after his receding back and before too much time I catch up. We walk back the way we came and the walk down the long hallway is just as long as it had been the first time, but we somehow make it back to the open area where the stairs up to all the different bedrooms are. They move the stairs and walk down several different hallways, with each side having a door hear and there with space between some and none with others. Finally we reach our destination at a single door and Sesshomaru takes out a key from his pocket and unlocks the door, it opens and walks in before me as I slip inside after him. The door shuts and I stand in awe at the vast difference between what I used to think was a room and now had to rethink what it meant. This was so clean and shiny, it put my room to shame. Nothing but a old futon and a fireplace was all I have had, and all I've ever known. But having stepped into this one, it really was so much different. There was a king sized bed far off to the left, and behind it was open terrace with white curtains that were now blowing gently from the wind after Sesshomaru opened the double glass doors. He walked back inside and leaned on the edge of the bed watching me as I took in my surroundings with interest. After some time spent in peaceful silence, my brothers voice cuts the air. "What? You've never seen a bedroom before?" There was humor in his question and he smirked at me when I glared at him in annoyance. But I still answered anyway, at this point having giving up on trying to stop the kid jokes. "It's new for me, so yes I guess in a way. But forget about that, do you mind letting me get some sleep now?" It wasn't so much as a question as it was more or demand, and Sesshomaru decided to drop the jokes and took a more serious tone with me. "I was going to let you do so anyways, I'll let you rest now. I'll come wake you up tomorrow morning, so don't stay up." He walked back to the bedroom door and stood there for a moment before looking back at me, the key he brought with him in his hand. "And just so you know, I won't let you out of this room right now unless your with me. You don't have to like it, but that's how it's going to be." With those final words he left the room and soft click could be heard on the other side of the door, followed by his footsteps that glided down the hallway and disappear before I even hand a chance to protest to any of this. "Just peachy..." Letting out a long sigh that I didn't know I hand held in for so long, I flop down on the big bed and stare up at the ceiling of the bed. Too tired to argue anymore as well as mentally and physically exhausted I decided to let it go for now and just get some much needed sleep. Shutting my eyes the world turned dark and fell into a deep sleep, in the pits of the blackness that engulfed me body and mind one single thought was uttered. "I hope tomorrow is less stressful..." 

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