Chapter 2- Against My Will

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My body went rigid at the scent of my brother Sesshomaru, I could feel him closing in on me but I couldn't tell where he was exactly. Now on guard I pushed off from the tree and looked around me, waiting for a twig to snap or leaves to rustle. was silent, so silent in fact that it gave Inuyasha the chills, and that wasn't something he liked, feeling nervous and on edge. Of course only his brother could make him feel such things and knowing that only seemed to anger him, he hated that Sesshomaru could do so little and yet still stir up his emotions to such a degree. "Teme..." Was the one word that flooded his mind, everything his brother did pissed him off and knowing that only made Inuyasha more pissed off about being so mad in the first place. "What a headache." Was his last thought before a large clawed hand griped the back of his neck, making it impossible to get free. Pulled from his thoughts in a flash Inuyasha was completely frozen, shocked that he was so off his game that his brother could capture him within his power so easily. A low threatening growl could be heard floating through the cold night air, as I turned my head back as much as his hold would allow me. My golden eyes set on Sesshomaru as he stared down hard at me, his own eyes showing how much he found me amusing in my attempts to free myself. With his glowing eyes fixated on mine he leaned in close to my ear and whispers in a hushed tone. " you know that's no way to say hello to your dear older brother." My glare only darkened more at his words; I hated the way he loved to torture me like this. Showing me who was the stronger of the two dog demons, every single time we crossed paths. It never failed, and I was reminded time and time again, of just how much weaker I was compared to him. But even knowing all that, I never showed it...I'd bare my fangs and fight back tooth and nail till I was worn ragged, in till my death before admitting my defeat. It seemed then my brother took note of my angry state and smirked at me, his hold on my neck loosening only to be caught again. Now with my back pressed hard against the tree pinned there with my body unable to move, his hand tight around my neck I glared at him hard with all the hatred I could muster. "Let me go! You teme! The only thing I'll ever say to you is to get out of my sight!" I choked out through greeted teeth, my whole body shaking with anger. That only seemed to make his eyes glow darker; he tightened his grip around my neck more making it painfully unbearable to breathe. My eyes widened as I scratched and clawed at his hand to free myself, but it was in vain. He watched me without a word, his lips curving up in silent laughter, as though to mock me for even trying. "This bastard..." I couldn't stand him, why couldn't he just leave me alone for once? That wasn't likely to ever happen, I knew that. But more importantly, why the hell was he here, now? I was having a fairly good night in till he showed up, messing up my rhythm again. Breaking through my muddled thoughts came his voice again, "You'll hold your tongue if you know what's good for you. I did not come here to waste my time on fighting with you, Inuyasha." Well...that was a first. "I would be more than happy to vanish from your sight, but this time however you would come with me." His words left no room for argument and I would have my mouth gaping open if not for being choked to death at the moment. "W-wait...what did you say?!" I was so confused by what he said I thought I was getting dizzy for a minute, but that feeling was only coming from a loss of air to my brain and lungs, which was becoming increasing more painful every second I was being cut off from my air supply. Sesshomaru's eyes became a shade lighter, noticing I was running out of air he loosed his hold on me but never released me, only watched me intently as I coughed as I started to get air back where it belonged. "You heard me perfectly clear Inuyasha, you will come back with me to the Western Lands." It never ceased to amaze me how my own brother was so serious most of the time and if you happen to tell him a joke or be sarcastic at all he wouldn't know what you meant. Just like not knowing if someone hit you in the face, I had to was a little funny. But this was no time for jokes, this was serious and I had no idea what my brother was up to. With my eyes on my brothers I stared him down, not meaning to try to show who was the dominated one here...because let's face it, it wasn't me. Much as it pained me to admit it. Without as a reason to why, Sesshomaru released me and took a step back as if knowing I would lash out at him now that I was free. But to both our surprise, more mine then his, I did not attack. Instead I stood up straight and crossed my arms over my broad chest, letting out a long breath before speaking. "There's no way in hell I'd go anywhere with you." I tried to say in a calm voice but it came out a bit harsher then I'd meant it to. Sesshomaru didn't seem fazed in the least by my words and instead responded without giving me a chance to speak more. "You have no say in the matter, Inuyasha. You are coming with me whether you like it or not. If you choose to go against me you will regret it." His words held weight to them, and for a moment the air around us went ice cold, as if the very air was shivering in fear. But as much as he'd like to scare me it did nothing, after all these years of being bullied by humans and demons for being a half demon. I was used to the harsh words and the cold stares I would get from everyone that noticed my presence, even getting attacked and beaten up for just being in the same space as them. I was always close to death, if not from others then of my own was a struggle every single day. And over time I lost hope, thinking I'd be alone own brother hated me being alive and as for my family, well my mother had been dead ever since I turned 18. Since my mother was human, her life ended in the blink of an mother, the one being on earth that never shunned me or thought of me any different. I did miss her...very much, and at times it hurt to even think of her. But over time the pain lessened, I never forgot her...only moved on. That's all I could do, and in doing so I became stronger. At least enough to protect myself, that was good enough for me. I had heard from my mother long ago, that my father was a great dog demon, a lord in his castle. But I never met the man, sometimes I'd think of him and wonder if he'd accept me as I am...just as my mother had. If my father was anything like my older brother then probably not, still...I would hold out some hope, if only a little. Hearing a threating growl, I was pulled from my thoughts yet again. Looking to seeing my brother still with his gaze on me, watching me with a look that said he was tired of waited for an answer. Seeing I would have to say something sooner or later I spoke up. "Why should I have to go with you at all? I see no reason to, unless you'd like to explain it to me." Sesshomaru said nothing back at first, his face growing dark and irritated by what I'd said. It seemed like he was fighting over whether or not to really tell me what this whole thing was about. His eyes closed and he sighed, after a few seconds Sesshomaru opened his golden yellow eyes again which held a stern and resolve expression. "You don't need to know anything right now; all you need to do is listen to me and not give me any trouble." He's always so damn stubborn....that might actually be the one thing we have in common. But for us having something like this in common wasn't as good as it seemed, it only made neither us want to give in to the others demands. Two stubborn males, to have them both locked in the same space for too long wasn't a good idea. And right now was one of those times, if I didn't find a way to get him to leave then we'd have our swords out and start  fighting in no time at all. Which I didn't feel up to tonight, not to mention if I woke up Kagome she'd have my neck for disturbing her beauty sleep the night before an exam. No way I wanted to deal with her too; I was having a hard enough time dealing with Sesshomaru at the moment. He was a handful, and a bigger headache then anyone combined to Inuyasha. Growing increasingly annoyed by his attitude I shot him a look that could scare children, of course he didn't even flinch. Nothing I did or said would scare him I knew that but I did it anyway, my emotions getting the better of me. "Well then, if you won't tell me then get lost. Not that even if you did tell me I'd go anywhere anyways. Go back to your grand castle little prince." Singing the last part of my sentence in a teasing manner, casting a sly smirk over my shoulder before turning to leave him behind. That seemed to tick him off; grabbing me by the hand he roughly pulled me back to him. Now face to face I saw the fierce intensity in my brothers golden yellow jewel like eyes, the fire in them was untamable and wild without end. Taken back by seeing that I went stock still, my body having a mind of its own or maybe it was obeying his...either way I couldn't escape this time. If the stinging ache from Sesshomaru's poison claws was any indication, burning my skin like lava. He didn't let go, his claws digging into my skin to make that point clear. "You teme! Let go!" Growling I tried to pull my hand from his but it was no use, the more I struggled the more pain I was dealt with by his deadly poison. Thank god I was a demon if not I'm sure my hand would of been cut off by now, not that it didn't hurt...because it did. It hurt like hell...damn it, and worst of all it always left a mark on my skin for a few days before it healed. Great more wounds on my body, sooner or later I'd probably have a whole collection of scars. Well if not for being able to heal fast you'd see them all, but they were all there, just below the surface of my skin. Sometimes it was good to be a demon, at least where healing wounds was concerned. Sesshomaru's voice rang out calling me back to my senses, "You're going with me Inuyasha, don't make me repeat myself." Too bad, you're going to have to keep repeating yourself. Because there is no way I'm going to take even one step in the same direction as you. Or so I thought, as I kept struggling he suddenly let me go altogether. Not having been prepared so abruptly I ended up falling back on the ground, groaning softly as I sat there rubbing my aching arm that now adored a few claw like marks running around my skin, looking like I'd been attacked by a wild animal. "What do you think your--?" Watching in horror when Sesshomaru walked over to Kagome who lay sleeping in her sleeping bag with Kirara sprawled out on her. Within seconds he whipped out his poison whip and held it over Kagome in a threating way, his eyes never leaving mine as I jumped up and balled my fists in anger. Now I had all the motivation I needed to kick his ass, if he was planning on hurting my friend then I had no reason not to fight. I watched as the little demon cat's eyes opened and took in what was happening, getting up she moved a few feet from where Kagome slept and transformed into her larger demon form, flames at her feet and two tails Kirara took a stance and roared in the most dangerous warning she could. As if she was telling him to back off, I had to admit that was one fearless cat. Probably why I liked that little cat so much, she was loyal to her friends and would protect them at any cost, even her own life. I would as well, and that's why at that moment I was glad she was there. "Well...looks like I woke up your little fur ball." He chuckled deep in his throat seeming rather amused that the little demon cat thought that it had a chance against him at all. Sure I knew quit well that my brother was very powerful, but he was up against too enemies now. There's no way we'd lose, if we worked together. Although the odds weren't stacked in our favor, having Kagome's life in the palm of his hand at the moment made fighting a little hard. Sesshomaru made no move to kill her instead he held my gaze, making it impossible to look away I stared back into his eyes helplessly unsure of what move to make...or if I should even make a move at all. "Come with me Inuyasha or she dies, your choice." He looked unfazed by what he was doing, like he couldn't care less so long as he got what he wanted. Knowing that really made my blood boil...seething with rage even, boy I wish I could give him a piece of my mind. But now was not the time to test the waters with Sesshomaru, one wrong move and one of my closest and oldest friends would be gone forever...and it'd be all my fault. I couldn't...I would never let that happen. Feeling defeated I swallowed my pride and put down my raised fists, nodding to Kirara to stop. She looked at me as if I'd lost my mind, or I wasn't making any sense one or the other. With her ears folded back Kirara hissed at Sesshomaru in a threating manner before shrinking back to her smaller form and sitting down, waiting and watching it looked like, as to how I would go about handling this mess. I knew there was only one way to deal with this...and as much as I hated the idea, I had to choice at this point. With my teeth clenched I finally gave my brother the answer he'd been waiting for. "Fine...I'll go. So long as you leave my friends out of this, otherwise I won't go anywhere with you." My brother looked pleased, happy to finally settle this little argument with me. "Gladly." Was all he spoke in an amused fashion before retracting his poison whip, it vanishing in mere minutes back into the safety of his claws. Sesshomaru walked back over to where I stood and stopped by my side, casting me a sideways glance before walking off into the woods. It annoyed me to no end how he thought he could just do whatever he wanted and boss me around...even if at the moment I had to listen, it still pissed me off like crazy. "Hurry up Inuyasha or I'll leave you behind." Wouldn't that be a good thing? Not like I wanted to go. "Yeah yeah your Highness, I'm coming." a soft snort of laughter could be heard ahead of me as I waved a sad goodbye to Kirara and quickly walked after Sesshomaru. Catching up to where Sesshomaru was I tucked my arms behind my head and walked on with my brother by my side, keeping even pace with him. Sighing I looked up at the starry night above our heads and just then a single thought crossed my mind. "This was going to be a long night." 

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