Chapter 7- Endless Love

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The sounds of the morning slowly woke me from my deep sleep, birds were singing outside the window and the warm rays of sunlight shinned in through the curtains. My eyes fluttered open and I sat up, yawning I rubbed the back of my palm over my eyes to chase my sleepiness away. Hearing a groan I glance to my right to see my brother laying there, his arms wrapped securely around me, fast asleep with a happy smile on his face. "He looks like a little kid, heh." He actually looked cute for a change, it wasn't something you'd see even if you were around him 50% of the time. When I thought of how content he looked, I couldn't help but smile as I reached out to brush my fingers through his hair gently. As I sat back a sharp pain assaulted my body, and I groaned as I held my sides for a time, gritting my teeth as I realized what was causing this I felt my cheeks heat up and I turned my glare straight at Sesshomaru. "T-teme~!! My hips are killing me! There's no way I'll get used to this feeling, not ever! Baka!" Complaining to myself as I grumble and groan from the last nights events. All the while my brother having bliss clear across his face, doesn't seem to realize the aches and pains my body is in. "Baka... take some responsibility will you." Saying it out loud this time, not thinking he's awake as I go to get out of bed I feel two strong pair of arms pull me back, followed by a sleepy voice. "Where do you think you're going?" 

"Wah!" I'm quickly enveloped in a warm embrace and pressed up to a broad chest. My face flushes as I try to keep my calm, feeling his breath against my ear I shut my eyes, only to have my face turned up to look at his. "I-I was just looking for my clothes, that's all." I was looking into his golden yellow eyes, that looked like the gentle sun had kissed them. He gazed down at me with love as he smiled and kissed my forehead then smirked. 

"Oh? What need do you have for clothes now?"


"You'll be here with me the whole time, so you won't need your clothes."

"Hah?! What are you saying?! I can't stay locked up in this room that long. What's the point of that anyway?"

I couldn't understand it, but it seemed I was about to get a lesson on what was going on first hand. Sesshomaru have me a serious look then and held my chin, refusing me the right to look anywhere else. I gave him a hard glare back, but it didn't faze him, he only set his jaw then spoke as calm as he could. Not knowing the reason for that either all I could to is look on as his words poured over me. 

"You're in heat, Inuyasha. Which means, every male out there will be out to get you once they get a whiff of your scent. It's not safe for you to leave my side as you are now." 

As his words sunk in, it seemed my body remembered it was in heat and my mind was finally catching up. When that sweet ache hit me again I knew it'd be impossible to try to argue with him, he was right. I couldn't deny it this time, he was simply looking out for his mate. "His mate." Me... that's right, I almost forgot that I was Sesshomaru's mate now, and he was mine. Which meant we would be bond together till even after. With those thoughts swirling around in my head I found his gaze still on me, as I came out of my thoughts. 

"I understand." 

"...You do?"

He looked surprised, as if expecting me to argue with him on this. But I knew he was right so all my words that I would have said fizzled away and I nodded my head.

"Yeah, I do. And...I uh..."

"Hm? What is it?"

Sesshomaru looked at me as he let go of my chin and watched as I tried to mumble out words I never thought I'd say, much less to my brother. But he was my mate, and with that being the case now, my body was calling out to him. The aching in my body was back and the longer I was near him the more intense it was becoming. I leaned my head on his chest and breathing in his intoxicating scent, it was enough to make the dog demon in me growl, as it was I was finding it weird how I could control that side of me now, but I was too in heat to focus on that much else anything else at the moment.  

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