Chapter 1- My Mate For Life

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Hello everybody! This is my very first FanFic of Inuyasha x Sesshomaru. So please, go easy. ("~_~) Also, yes yes the characters I don't own them. Just a warning, this is a Yaoi so all who don't like Don't Read. Thank you. So to all the fans I do hope you enjoy this story. Please leave me some Good comments No Hate Mail Thanks, and remember to Rate please. I may continue this one, but that's up to you guys <.< So Like if you want me to go on. Anyways happy reading!

Inuyasha sat in a tall tree overlooking the small village which he lived in. Not really paying any attention to the villagers as they walked around doing chores or worked out in the fields picking fresh food. His eyes were looking onward to the midday sun, the rays sparkling through the leaves in the trees around him as the wind left Inuyashas long hair twirling about. Days had passed and it seemed as though forever before Kagome would return back to the futile era, it annoyed him to death not liking to wait so long. Sure he could always go visit Miroku and Sango but then, they had their own life now with a baby on the way last he heard from Shippo. The little fox kit normally checking in on his friends every few months to make sure all was well, though he would never admit it Inuyasha rather liked those visits with the little fox. Well he was a lot bigger now though, teens could be a handful so in a way it was a good thing that Shippo was out on his own now with fox kind. Sighing to himself Inuyasha stretched out more on the thick branch that was supporting his back, trying to get more comfortable. {With no luck} It seemed the tree didn't want to help him out, growling a few unpleasant curse words Inuyasha sat up.

"This just wasn't my day..." Inuyasha said. Before jumping down from the tree branch and easily landing on his feet. Just then he heard a soft meow, glancing down to spot Kirara rubbing against his pants leg before looking up wide eyed like a curious kitten.

"Hey Kirara. Your cat nap over already huh?" She simple meowed again, as if saying yes. Smiling I knelt down and pet her soft head, watching as she purred in delight with the contact. But just as quickly I stopped and stood up straight, staring after the forest that lead to the bone eaters well. As if sensing my shift in mood Kirara meowed and hopped up onto my shoulder, making herself comfy on my red kimono. Happy for the company I relaxed some, glancing at the small cat demon perched on my shoulder as if she were suddenly a pirate's partner in crime ready to sail the seven seas. Grinning at the silly thought as I looked up to the sky, the light slowly fading with each second that pasted.

"Not long before night fall. Guess I'll go see if Kagome is back yet." Not really speaking to anyone in particular more to myself, but as if in answer to the words Kirara meowed her okay to me signaling with a rub to the cheek to get a move on to the well. Rolling my eyes at her, I tucked my hands behind my head before walking off into the direction of the well.

For as long as I could remember since defeating Naraku years back, Kirara had decided to stick by my side having everyone had  went their own separate ways. Sango didn't seem to mind, saying since she could come to see her little feline friend whenever she chose to, that it was okay with her. Honestly I was glad having the little cat helped out on those new moons, which I hated more than anything, having someone watch your back definitely helped to lessen the stress. That aside having a companion was a comfort that I enjoyed, but there'd be no way in hell I'd actually admit to it.

Walking with a spring to my step I moved through the forest making good time before coming to the open area where the well was located. Plopping down with my legs crossed and my arms over my chest I rested my back against the wood that surrounded the bone eaters well. My fluffy white dog ears twitched with every sound, listening for any sign of the girl's arrival.

Getting a little more than just annoyed at how long this waiting was becoming, I turned and looked down the well hoping to see some bright light followed by Kagomes voice. But there was nothing just a never ending darkness that went on forever, my dog ears sank as I turned back with my attention now on the sky above. It was nearly dark now and Inuyasha was beginning to wonder "If" she'd come back. Growling in irritation when thinking that way, he quickly shook the thought away.

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