Chapter 8- New Moon

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It had been a few weeks after my first heat, and I was glad I got through it. "I really have Sesshomaru to thank for that." I had told him thank you the night after my heat was over and of course he smiled and told me it wasn't a problem for him. In fact he seemed sad I wasn't in heat anymore, but hey I couldn't be in heat 24/7 that'd be too much. Anyway with me being back to normal now changed nothing, he desired to embrace me whenever he got the chance, and I in turn never refused. After all we were mates now, and I'd be lying if I were to say I didn't want it all the time too. So of course we couldn't stop are selves, and even though I'd done it with Sesshomaru many times now I would still always turn red when we had sex. I think it was mostly now, because I was doing it with the one I loved, how could I not be embarrassed and try to hid in the sheets. 

A few things had happened after my heat too, like explaining what happened to me to Kagome. "That was so embarrassing...if there had been a rock near by I would of dove under it to hide." But I wasn't that lucky, no I had to tell her all about it. And when it was over, just like I had expected, she laughed. But once she stopped and with a few words of warning from my brother, Kagome wished me happiness and left the castle. Her parting words being as follows; "He better treat you right. I'll come by whenever I can to visit you Inuyasha! See you later!" 

And just like that, she was gone. I knew I'd see my friends again, Kagome and the rest of them. But I couldn't help feel a little lonely without them to argue and talk with. Still it's not like I couldn't go see them myself if I wanted, so long as Sesshomaru went with as he informed me when she left. Then that's how things were, I didn't mind. He was my mate now, we were bond together now for life so where ever one went the other would follow. 

Stepping out of the shower I wrapped a towel around my waist and grabbed another to dry my hair. I looked in one of the mirrors in the bathroom and once again gazed at the mark left on the back of my shoulder. After I became mates with Sesshomaru, I found out later when I went to shower when I got a chance to leave the bed, that a distinct mark that looked like a tattoo was on me, on the back of my right shoulder. My brother informed me that it was a mark that would apart on a demon when they finally had a mate. It was a mark that would never disappear even after death it'd always be there. The mark itself looked like a black paw print of a dog or wolf. It made sense since my brother was a dog demon after all. I saw later that my brother had the same mark of a paw print on his back shoulder too but his was on his left shoulder where mine was on my right.

That did shock me when I found out but after I accepted it I realized it was just the same as accepting being his mate, and after awhile I didn't mind it at all anymore. Interestingly enough the mark we each shared gave off a scent of it's mate, so where as I had the scent of Sesshomaru coming faintly off me from my mark, Sesshomaru's mark gave off my scent faintly too. My brother explained that, that happened just to inform any males or females trying to take me to back off once they caught the scent of my mate on me, the same with him. It was good to know honestly, I wouldn't have to worry about someone trying to make a move on my mate, they'd back off on there own once they realized he was already taken. With all this knew information given to me I felt like I was learning so much about my own kind that I never gave much thought to before, and with that I was always interested to know more, I didn't want to be the only one left in the dark about something. 

Now dressed in my usual fire rat kimono I leaned on the railing outside of Sesshomaru and I's room. There was a cool breeze blowing gently outside today, and it was already the late afternoon. I had been doing a lot of reading in the huge library that was in the castle, I'd pass the time there whenever my brother was busy with business around the castle or matters concerning the Western Lands. But since he was nearly done with castle business he told me to wait in our room and that he had something important to discuss with me when he returned from work. 

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