Chapter 10- Gaze On

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Standing on the balcony as I watched the snow fall, it had been snowing like this for days now and I wondered when it'd let up. Yes, it was in fact winter now and I didn't really enjoy the cold so I hadn't stepped out of the castle in a few weeks now. My brother had said winter was half over so it wouldn't be long before spring returned. Even if I didn't enjoy the cold much I couldn't dislike the snow, for some reason watching it fall or seeing it cover the earth, it always looked so pretty, like another world. Turning so I was facing my bedroom, there sitting on the sofa in the room my brother was relaxed as could be with a book in his hand. He'd been reading a lot lately, or well more then just for work. He hadn't really told me why though so I thought I'd let it go till he decided to tell me, hopefully he would soon. As I gazed at his profile I took in his warm aura, he was so gentle with me now well even more so then before and some part of me was happy with this. I didn't think he'd ever be so, well soft. But there was something that nagged at me, for a few months now. I'd been feeling weird, like there was something wrong inside me or something was changing or growing in me but that was crazy right? I'd had this thought for awhile now and it was that; I thought I was pregnant.  And maybe because of this Sesshomaru was watching me around the clock, he refused to be away from me for more then even an hour. So with him being like this and me feeling all achy in my own body, I knew that had to be the reason. But even with that being the case I hadn't come to my mate yet, not until my suspicion that I was pregnant were true. Once I found out I was then I'd tell him, so until I knew for sure I'd bare this on my own. I'd be going to the castle doctor tonight when Sesshomaru was busy with his work, hopefully he wouldn't be too mad at me for sneaking off to do this. Still if I could find out what was going on with my body I'd have to do this on my own. As I looked on at Sesshomaru he finally looked up from the book he'd been reading and gazed at me for a moment before smiling warmly and coming over by my side. Placing a kiss on my forehead he picked me up and held me like princess, bringing me into our room and placing me on the soft bed before sitting beside me. 

"Is there something on your mind?"

"Nothing, really. Just wondering if it's okay for you to be with me so much, isn't your work pilling up?"

"Hah hah, you don't have to worry about that. My most loyal subordinate Snow is taking care of everything for the time being, he's good at his job. You have nothing to fear."

"Hmm...well when you put it like that, I guess I don't have to worry then."

"Yes. Besides being by your side is more important to me."

"I can't say I don't like that. I...I've enjoyed it very much that you've been around so much."

"So have I."

Seeing his smile before kissing my cheek he hugs me tight before placing me on his lap. His fingers slowly running through my long silver hair as I sigh and take in a whiff of his scent. As always it was enough to make me dizzy, I could never get enough of his smell. There was something about it that was truly intoxicating, it drew me in without mercy and wouldn't let me go. "I loved it..."  I'd never tell him though, I'm sure he'd think I was a pervert or something. Geez...what is happening to me? Ever since we became mates I've been met with so many different changes to my life and myself. Not that any of those changes were bad ones, just getting used to them and being honest with myself took time. "This guys made it impossible for me to live without him." As I thought that I couldn't stop the red that graced my cheeks at that moment. Sesshomaru seeing this gazed lovely at my face seeming to like the expression I was wearing. Just as I was willing my embarrassment away, I mumbled something under my breath. 

"It's all this baka's fault..."

Having no idea what I was talking about my brother gave me a confused look as he raised his eye brow. He playfully ruffled my silky hair as he spoke, his arms then wrapped around my waist as he held me close. 

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