Chapter 2

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Title: composure.

Warnings: SH mention , slight violence , sexual harassment , drunken state
If you aren't comfortable with any of this please do not read!

Charlottes PoV: -the next day-

It was 6:53am I just got to the nursery. It was quite a hot day. I was wearing a jumper. I didn't want to. But I work with children , I can't disappoint these kids and my own. Just keep my composure. I took a deep breath feeling my poorly bandaged arm ache. It hurts. I'm hurting. I entered the building. I was in the preschoolers room today, it wasn't easy work, but it would be easier than chasing toddlers or cradling babies. As I enter the room Carly was sat down operating the tablet , most likely clocking herself in and noting anything down she needed to for the day. She looks at me with a smile before immediately starting to speak "Char have you heard of the gossip between Mia and Reece?" I turned to her. "No? Why what's happened?" I spoke softly as I usually do. Carly's face lit up ready to tell another person about the drama she's found out from eavesdropping. "So basically Reece broke up with Mia to get with Marjorie so marjoreece will finally be happening!" She giggled excitedly. "Wait what? Marjoreece?" I cut her off confused. "Yeah marjoreece! It's Marjorie's and Reece's ship name!" I listened to her still oblivious to everything going on I let her ramble on as she spoke though I zoned out. I don't know what I was thinking of. Nothing?. Everything?. Im not sure. Just keep my composure.

Carly's PoV:

As I'm ranting to Char I noticed she looked a little off which is like totally out of the ordinary for her? "Hey Char?" I questioned. No response. "Charrr?" I spoke louder. "Hm yes Carly?" She zoned back in looking at me. She has a glint in her eyes , similar to my glints when I'm upset. "Are you okay?" She looked as if I had shot her. I only asked if she was okay "well carl-" in the background I saw an angry red head walk past the office. "OMG! IM SORRY CHARLOTTE ILL BE BACK I NEED TO HEAR THIS!" i giggled running off to listen to whatever was about to go down.

Charlottes PoV:

I sighed , I turned around and started to get to work , I just knew today was going to be a long day and I wasn't exactly the most excited for it. But it's okay , just keep my composure.

Charlottes PoV: -end of the day hang over-

I was waiting , heavens parents were late. Again. This was the third time this week. I looked at the clock. 6:15. "Hey baby why don't we go get a snack?" I smiled softly taking the child's hand. After she was done with her snack I place the rubbish in the bin and check the clock again. 6:28. 2 minutes until we close as a nursery. I turn around about to go let Marjorie know but just as I was about to a parent came strolling in , a beer in hand and his phone in the other . He reminded me of Ben , he had a habit of having a beer or few every night whilst scrolling on his phone. But this wasn't Ben this is a parent. More importantly this is heavens father. I looked at him with a stern face. "Hello Stephen" I greeted him with a smile.

"Heyy sexy" he winked. That physically repulsed me. "I'm sorry but are you drunk?" I contain my composure looking at the clearly drunken man. "Maybe just a little?" He chuckled. "Can I have my kid now? The footy match is on tonight" he said with a cheer afterwards. I kept my composure. "I'm sorry sir but I can't give you heaven it is against our policy to give a child to an adult in a clearly drunken state." I spoke softly keeping my composure. "Ahh sod the rules , can't you just give her me this once? Just for me pretty girl?" He held the hand with his beer up to me. "No" I said blankly. "I'm going to have to call Marjorie now Stephen" I sighed. "Now now  you don't need to do that please princesssss you'll let me off this once won't you?" I kept my composure. Just as I was going to respond he raised his hand towards me again this time as if to caress my face but before I  could reply or stop him or anything. Someone came in hitting his hand after from me. Mia?

Mias PoV:

I watched through the window the drunken man attempt to flirt with the room worker Charlotte , I'd heard some stories about her she seemed like a sweet lady , but those stories don't really match up with how she's acting now, she seems ... ill? That's all I could describe it as. Zoning back out of my thoughts I decided to step in as this parent was going to far now as I over heard the princess comment. I walked into the room trying to make myself as un noticed as possible. As he raised his hand to touch Charlotte I hit his hand away. "And what do you think you're doing?" I spat , my stance being tilted to one side letting me lean on my hip. I waited for him to respond. Nothing. "Well? You going to speak douche?" I said louder. "Mama Mia! You're smoking lady! Who are you?" The man barked I physically gaged before swiftly responding with "your worst nightmare" I smiled.

Charlottes PoV:

I watched as Mia went back and forth with the parent eventually it ending up with the parent on the floor unconscious , Mia feeling glorified with herself , me cuddling heaven to sleep and a now very uncomfortable silence. Like the silence at home. Though I guess this is a better silence at least people are here. Present with me.

1011 words!!!!

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