Chapter 3

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Title: I know

Warnings: SH mention (only light)

Charlottes PoV: -after the incident-

Once social services had taken heaven I turned around to the redhead she was stood at the counter writing something. "Thank you." I mumbled. I watched as she stopped writing and faced me. "It's no problem. I hate men like that." She snarled , still clearly upset about the incident. "Yeah they can be a lot to handle sometimes , I feel awful about heaven though , she's only a toddler and school starts in less then 3 months she's going to be ..." I rambled on. Mia just nodded. I felt as if I was bothering her so I stopped talking. She looked at me in confusion. "Why'd you stop sweetheart?" Sweetheart? Don't over think it she probably calls everyone it. "I was rambling , but anyway you're welcome to go home now. I'll lock up." I said softly turning back around to finish the nightly checks before closing. "And leave you in the dark at 10 to 9? Absolutely not." She scowled. "I'm not all bite you know?" I turned around to her. "I assume that nitwit appreciate told you how I rammed Marjorie's car? Or how I hurt the knight siblings?" I nodded. Where is she going. "Just because I did that or I guess I should use present tense? I'm doing that doesn't mean I don't have a soft spot somewhere." I stared blankly "I know"

I watched her face turn to complete confusion. "What do you mean , you know?"
"I know" I repeated I did know. I know everyone has somewhere in their heart that's kind. Sometimes it's just ruined by someone and needed to be brought out. She continued looking at me. Smirking. "You're interesting Charlotte" she spoke with a chuckle.

I felt my face heat up , i felt warmth? No I'm feeling warmth. I haven't felt this way since, I don't know when. "How am I interesting?" I questioned. She didn't answer just looked at me with a smile? Not a smirk , a smile. Her smile was beautiful , why would she cover it with such an evil look? "Let me take you home , it's dark I'd prefer knowing your home safe" I shoot her a confused look. "I can't do that , firstly my car is here and secondly I am not a child , I don't need carrying around" I refused her offer but why did it feel wrong. She rolled her eyes. "You do you sweetheart if you ever would want to take up an offer like that then shoot me a message" she winked. Why was she winking? Wait , was she flirting with me? What. Oh my god. I just nod I didn't want to be rude.

Mias PoV:

"Go get yourself home , I'll lock up and I'll hopefully see you tomorrow" I smirked , she furrowed her eyebrows at me and nodded. I could tell she was confused , that's fine. This is going to be fun. After I shooed her off and watched her drive off. I chuckled. "Oh Charlotte you are going to be one hell of a ride"

Charlottes PoV: -when she had arrived home-

Was she actually flirting or was it all a hokes? I was sure , as my mind ran with thoughts I walked up the stairs , there it was again. The silence. I should've taken her up on that offer maybe I could've got her number or at least had her as company. Just I entered my room I took off my jumper , I'd been sweating and my arm was killing. But before I could take off the bandages I noticed something? A post-it-note? I peeled it off , '07*** ******* xox sweetheart' again my face flushed red. I can't believe it. Was that why she touched my back shooing me out? I smiled. I mean it wasn't like I was actually going to message her but ? At least I had her number. Just in case.

I need ideas for chapter 4 😓
Sorry this one isn't as long!
671 words!!!

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