chapter 8

116 7 3

title: my fault?

warnings: nothing really , slight overthinking and slight verbal violence

charlottes PoV: - Monday morning at the nursery -

"alright you have a good day to sir-" i was about to finish my sentence before "CHARLOTTE!" a parent came in anger in her voice . i sighed what had i done now? the parent started rambling on how i didn't look after her sons toy last Friday must've been my fault. but he didn't even bring a damn toy in - i can't think that . "i'm sorry" i apologised "you best had be , Michael have a good day for me sweetheart" this was going to be a long day .

- 11:23am -

the day has gone slow but in all fairness it hasn't been that bad . other then my sleep deprivation i was content . Carly was telling me off the recent gossip . marjorie and reece were officially together , we all knew they were but they have made it official . i feel happy for them . "How's Eric and you going , Carly?" she had mentioned a small crush on him or well , big crush but i wasn't sure what had gone on . that was my fault i was wrapped around my own head . "oh don't even mention that boys name!!!" i tilted my head , i thought they were on speaking terms? no? "what happened?" i was confused "char!!! i literally told you this!!" she did? "he was fawning over autumn and he just doesn't know basic consent!" oh. that was new . i should be paying more attention . i didn't respond only with my mouth making an 'oh' shape

- 12:43 -

i'm on my lunch , Sorscha came in "ay Charlie you alright?" she spoke with her accent , she looked tired must be from quinn . i nodded . "and you" i asked putting down my fork , i was playing with my food anyway it was about time i put it down . "ah yeah i'm grand honestly" "i'm glad" i gave a half smile . "you sure your alright Charlie you seem abit down?" i didn't respond for a second i was zoned out , as i heard the mumbling though i perked up "oh hm? sorry my fault i didn't hear you" i wanted her to repeat . "i asked if you sure you were okay? you've been a little upset looking recently ain't ya?" i tilted my head brushing it off as i made a fake chuckle and smile "oh no i'm just stressed parents you know how they can be" her face that was one of worry now cheered up "ahh that makes sense i hope they aren't being to much bother for you though" i shook my head "nothing i can't take" could i take it though? i'm pretty sure one more move and i'd break down . but that doesn't matter "if i'm honest myself parents have been giving me a tough time about me being gay! like for heavens sake people it's 2024 !!! let people be who they are!" people are giving her a tough time about being gay? i need to pay more attention to these things instead of myself

- 5:12pm -

"hello sir -" the parent was late , over an hour late "alice please can you get your stuff while i speak to your daddy" i spoke to the child before turning to the man "is it okay if i ask why you were late sir? we did try ringing you , multiple ti-" again i was cut off . i always seem to be cut off , do i talk to much? should i stop talking? "I KNOW IM BLOODY LATE! DONT CRITICISE ME FOR IT! THERE WAS TRAFFIC AND MY PHONE DIED FOR YOU INFORMATION" i stood there "i'm sorry sir , my fault" i hated being shouted at , maybe it is best if i don't talk maybe i won't get shouted at .

- 6:23 -

i was cleaning the tables after all the children had left , winter walked in "oh charlotte you missed a spot on this table!" he spoke cheerfully , "oh right , i'm sorry my fault" i finished the table i was only going to the one i had missed stuff on cleaning it "ah jolly good charlotte!" i nodded , he watched me "well have you had a good day? it's rare we ever get to work together now!" we hadn't worked together in awhile ..? i didn't notice. i should pay more attention . "it was .. fine" it wasn't but i don't want to talk to much , if i talk to much then it'll be my fault . "ah i'm glad!" he had such a step in his voice , do none of the parents ever get to him ? am i just sensitive . i was going to ask but i changed my mind "and yours?" i said quietly as i washed my hands and the bleached cloth i was holding "my day was quite alright if i'm true , parents were lovely for a change , there was a blipz of a child throwing up but parent came no hassle or anything" he smiled "anyways i just wanted to come say hello i must be off my wife is waiting for me!" his wife , he always said that , so proud he was married to her . i don't blame him who wouldn't want to be married to autumn. "bye winter"
"cheerio charlotte!"

- 7:46 -

i was home , i had made my dinner already . and ate it . i watched a-bit of bridgerton , but as i went to check the time i noticed a message

Mia: 'hey sweetheart , i hope your day was alright . i've been thinking about you xxx 😘'

sent 2hours ago? i felt so bad , i had missed her message , even if it was the one person i was suppose to hate . i still felt bad.

You: 'i'm so sorry mia , i didn't see your message xx'
-> 'my fault x'

i didn't expect a message back so quickly as i replied so late but my phone dinged and i checked who it was from , and it sure was Mia.

Mia: 'don't ever be sorry to me darling , at least you had the heart to reply ❤️'

You: 'would you like me not to reply? xxx'

Mia: 'oh no never , i want you to text me whenever you can if i'm honest , but prefer it to be a conversation in person 😘'
-> 'speaking of conversation in person , i'd like to invite you to the new bar that opened . kingsley or something like that 😉'

You: 'I can't , Marjorie would be upset. xxx'

Mia: 'who said she had to know? i'll pick you up next Saturday sweetheart'

a hint of blush creeped on my face , why was she being so sweet , i didn't mind it but i was meant to hate her . for the first time in awhile i smiled , a genuine smile.

You: 'i guess i can't wait xx'

1136 wordssss!

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