-Akito is very good at playing basketball and fleeceball.
-He and his brother used to play basketball when they were kids.
-He has a collection of cigarette boxes that he uses to smoke.
-He usually smokes whenever he's stressed or angry.
-He has his own red punching bag that he uses to take his anger out on life.
-He listens to rock music whenever he feels angry.
-He secretly has a love for classic music like his brother.
-He usually likes to help out Atsuhiko with his job.
-He usually cooks incase Atsuhiko gets tired or busy.
-He secretly got into harajuku fashion thanks to Landon.
-He's good at treating his own injuries.
-Karmen's dad doesn't like him a lot due to his behaviour. (He can see why.)
-He's more upfront on his jerkassery and does know when to admit that he's wrong.
-He doesn't like math, but he tries to be good at the subject.
-His least favorite Disventure Camp contestants are Yul, Alec and Riya.
-He hates Alec because he reminds him of his parents and their treatment on him and Atsuhiko, Riya for how she treated Connor and for the non-consensual kiss with Alec and Yul for how he treated everyone, including Grett.
-He still feels guilty for treating Atsuhiko like trash and felt like he still needed to compensate for how he treated him back then.
-He's secretly a sadomasochist.
-His favorite food is curry and apple slices.
-He likes apple-related things like apple pie, apple cake, apple juice, etc.
-When he learned from Davis that he was groped by Suzanne (AKA Kenneth's ex) He... Was LIVID and the instant he saw Suzanne, He instantly beat her up to an absolute pulp and reported her ass to the police. (She tried to get the attention away by fake crying and playing as the victim, but Akito told her to shut it or he'll do worse than just a broken arm.)
-He learned how to control his anger thanks to Marshall.
Disventure Camp Madness 4 (YEAH, WE GOT MORE)
RandomYesiree, We got more Disventure Camp Madness for you guys. More OC HCs, More Disventure Camp pics, more memes, more random shit and more you could... Probably ask for.