The Queens?..

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Ashs POV
I had a Nissan skyline as well. My car had Blue lights to give it a blue glow instead of orange. I was ready for this race!

Dawns POV
"Hey Tej so listen up there's newbies in town. I wanna em pared up with us got it? Yep the names are Paul, Drew, and Ash. May with Drew, Ash with Misty and Give me Paul. I want a challenge. K. Bye see ya later. " Dawn said then hung up. She put on a metallic blue mini skirt with her boots on again. And she wore a red crop top. A/N (If you watched Fast and furious the shirt letty wore in the beginning. The red one and if you haven't seen them, if you want you can look it up.) She brushed her hair and called May.
Hey. We up for tonight? - May
Yeah we up and make sure you look hot just saying. - Dawn
Okay? - May
Dawn hung up and pulled out her computer and did a background check on the boys to find out information.

[picture of Paul]
Name : Paul shinji
Street racer
Drives a black Viper.
King of street racing in Kanto.
Age :17
Several speeding tickets and violence prone.
Things are different now Paul this is my Place I'm the Queen. No man's gonna take it from me! I will prove what my mom said is true!

Looking at the others Dawn looked at the time and put away her computer. Grabbing my keys I took the Enzo.

Pauls POV
I'm going to win this thing. I saw a black Ferrari Enzo pull in. The crowd went wild at the sight of the car. 2 more cars pulled up next to it and the crowd got worse. The door opened and I saw Dawn step out of the car. "Queens here!" Queen??! Dawn waved at the crowd. And Misty and May stepped out of the other cars. 3 guys walked forward. "Come back for us? I knew you would there's not way you could resist us!" The leader said. Dawn rolled her eyes. "No way would we come back for you. Unless you haven't noticed we smoked you last time. You guys learn to drive then maybe the slightest interest towards you guys might actually happen." Dawn said coldly. The crowd instant went ooohhh. A guy walked forward and Dawn fist bumped him. "Hey Tej. What'd up. You garage doing good?" He nodded. "Tej. These are the guys we told you about." May said. The crowd laughed and shouted 'Hikari! Haruka! Kasumi!' "Who's Hikari?" I asked. Dawn smirked and leaned against her car. "Go to the starting line and get ready. You'll meet her." I did what she said. And leaned against my car when Dawn pulled up. I smirked. "You Hikari?" She nodded. "Now we gonna race or what?!" She said rudely. I nodded and got inside my car and she revved the engine. Wow the horsepower in that engine. I rolled down my window and she did the same. "Nice engine it sounds amazing." I told her and she smiled.

Dawns POV
"Thanks I built this car with my mom when I was younger." I gasped silently. Did I just say that? My past is to be shared with no one. I want no Pitty or empathy. I want to race! As soon a Tej said 'Go' I hit the gas and room off. Paul was behind me. At least he can keep up. I went faster using the horsepower from the engine as I weaved through the cars. Drifting at a sudden turn I turned the wheel fast to regain control. As soon as that happened I sped away again faster. Reaching the finish line I drifted into it and won but Paul was Close behind. Getting out of my car I collected the money from Tej and stuck it in my pocket. Walking over to Paul. "You can drive I'll give you that. You turn is a bit too wide making It harder to drift which a good drift Is what you want for a Viper that car is pretty fast. I really for the first time in years I have had a challenge and I loved it thank you." I said and shook his hand. "Oh and if you ever need anything for your car Tej is the man to call." She said drove over to the others.

Pauls POV
Hmm she can drive... Smirking I got back into my car and drove over to her and her friends who were talking to Drew and Ash.

Drews POV
"Wow... The Queens huh? " I asked May. She nodded and looked at her phone checking the time. She gasped and got in her car and the others did too." Where you guys going?! " I asked confused. May looked at me she got out and whispered." Can you follow someone without then noticing?? " I nodded." Good now listen exactly 5 minutes after we leave follow but make sure we don't see especially Dawn she'll freak. Oh and here take this. " She whispered and handed me secretly a walkie talkie." There's more than think than just racing. If she sees you she will kill you and I won't be able to help. " She warned and gave me a kiss in the cheek. She got back into her car. Waved a bit and drove off. I was confused. I look at Ash apparently Misty had told him the same thing.

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