Moment of truth

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After being separated from Harry I stood there awkwardly for what seemed like hours but was probably minutes getting weird looks from the younger children, probably because I was older than them but I didn't care.

We were finally called in by Professer Mcgonagall. I tried to turn away realising that this was acctually happening but I just got pushed inside. All eyes were on me not the first years me. And then my eyes locked with the same boy from the train it was as if this was someone different not the same rude boy I bumped into on the train.

I was soon snapped out of my trance when it was time for me to be sorted into my house, I won't lie I was absolutely terrified, no idea why I just was.

I sat on the chair as the hat started to speak "hmmmm, another potter but different this one ambitious, will do anything to get what she wants" After a bit more yapping that hat yelled out "SLYTHERIN" my heart sank to my stomach the Slytherins cheered but all u could do was look at Harry. He wouldn't even look at me. I felt as if I was some disgrace a disgrace to my family. A family of Gryffindors with a Slytherin.

I didn't know what I was doing all I knew was that my legs dragged me all the way to the Slytherin table. Where a girl waved for me to come sit next to her and her friends but I soon saw who those friends were. It was that rude boy and a few others including a boy with bleached hair which was kind of funny in my opinion. I didn't want to sit with them but I also didn't want to seem rude and set myself a bad reputation with the Slytherins so I just went over acting like I didn't just see and the weird looks I was getting from everyone.

I sat down and the girl introduced herself " Hi Im Pansy nice to meet you" I shook her hand.
"Nice to meet you too, I'm Olivia potter" They all looked over at me with wide eyes. "What?" I asked. "Nothing it's just Harry's never mentioned having a sister before, not that he talks to us but why didn't you start in first year like the rest of us" Pansy said quite quickly.
"Oh, umm that's a good are you going to introduce me to the ready of them?"
I asked quite clearly changing the subject, I dont why I didn't just tell them. I guess I was just too embarrassed to tell them that I wasn't allowed to come here because I was too busy being a maid for my uncle and aunt.

"Oh ok then" Pansy clearly noticed that I felt uncomfortable about the subject and quickly moved on "This is Astoria and that's her sister daphne, that's Lorenzo but he prefers Enzo, that's Draco and beside his is Blaise and next to his is Theodore but he prefers Theo and that obnoxious looking one is Tom and that's-"
"Mattheo" I cut her off. "Yea how did you know?" She asked me a little confused. "We had a little encounter on the train" I replied. He scoffed and said "yea more like you showing blatant disrespect to the dark lords son" " Well I didn't know who you where and I tried apologising until I saw that you were a good for nothing prick" I said Angrily. Theo's eyes widened as everyone started to laugh, that was until Mattheo sent them all a death stare a bit like a warning.

After professer Dumbledore's speech, food magically appeared on the table and everyone began to put food on their plate and eat but I wasn't hungry do I just sat there and talked to them.

After everyone was done eating we all went to our own dormitories but I wasn't sure where to go so I just held onto Pansy's hand as she dragged me through the crowd we soon arrived and a man called professer Snape gave me a timetable and informed me where I would be staying. I was in the same room as Pansy and I was very exited because she just seemed really fun.

We got into our dorm and I found that my stuff was already there. After a while of unpacking Pansy jumped up from her bed and told me "we should probably start getting ready so we can be at the party early" I just chuckled and rubbed the back of my neck. "Well about that I don't actually have anything to wear for the party" "Wait why not your brother is literally the one throwing the party?"
She asked me. "Yea but he only told me when we got to the train station and when I say told me I mean be mentioned it by accident" I said.
Oh well that's fine you can just take one of mine" she said. "Wait really" "Yea what are friends for" that made me smile she was my first ever friend. "Ooo you'll look great in this one" she said excitedly.

Olivia's dress

Olivia's dress

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Pansy's dress

"Oh we look hot as fuck" Pansy squealed whilst straightening my hair

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"Oh we look hot as fuck" Pansy squealed whilst straightening my hair. When we were finally done I looked up at the clock and it was time to go. The hard part was sneaking over the to Gryffindor dormitory but Pansy proved that she was professional at sneaking around.


Word count: 922


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