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Draco and I got to detention but professor Snape wasn't there yet so we decided to have a little fun.

Draco picked up a full ink pad (I think that's what it's called if not someone correct me) and threw it at me. I just stared at him as he burst out laughing. I picked one up walked over to him and dumped it over his head. "That should get all the bleach out" I said laughing "wait how did you even get here" "whilst you were busy laughing at me I just walked over dimwit" he picked up two more and spilled then right onto me.

"You little-" I was cut off by a very pissed of Snape. " HOW DARE YOU USE MY CLASSROOM AS A PLAY GROUND" "sir we were just-" Draco tried to find an excuse. " I told you this girl was a distraction for you. Get this cleaned up by the time I get back and the cupboard at the back I want that spotless or you'll be back here tomorrow." "Yes sir" I looked down.

Snape had left and locked the door behind him but not before taking our wands which ment we would actually have to do something. It was quiet but an awkward type of quiet as if neither of us knew what to say.

That was until Draco said something "hey I'm sorry about that. I tried to tell him it was me." "It's fine it doesn't bother me" "ok. But just know you're not distracting me liv" "mhm" I said. It was nice to know that draco didn't think of me as a distraction in his life.

Unlike Harry all harry would ever say was I was getting in the way of something or I wasn't letting him concentrate and no matter what even after that fight I couldn't help but believe him. I just couldn't get him out of my head no matter how hard I tried and it was an awful feeling.

Time skip

After about 25 minutes we were done and walked out of the cupboard to find an ink filled classroom. "I forgot about that" Draco groaned as he threw his head back in frustration.

I got a bucket and two sponges and he looked at me as though it was a foreign item placed in front of him. "What" I asked "what do you mean what. What is that thing, it looks like it went through the first Wizarding war" he said puzzled. I scoffed "you don't know what this is?" I laughed thinking he was joking.

But when I looked back at him his face was dead serious he was waiting for me to answer his question. "Oh" I said a bit shocked. "It's a sponge" "oh for the sake of Merlin, I'm not stupid but what do you do with it" "you clean with it".

He looked at me with a disgusted face. "Em no I WILL NOT be cleaning anything with that it looks worse than my house elf Dobby".

-no hate to dobby he's one of my favourites but we have to get into that rich spoiled Draco character-

"Hey don't be so mean about Dobby and plus he's not your house elf anymore" "yea fair enoug- wait how did you know that" "oh Harry told me" I said casually but it seemed to piss Draco off hearing Harry's name.

"You what! You mean to tell me that filthy little half-blood is the reason I had to get myself another house elf. You know how much time I spent looking for a new one?! Three whole hours" he yelled.

"Ok well it's not my fault you've got an issue with Harry then fight him and by the way that "filthy little half-blood you're talking about is related to me and since we're related you're basically calling me that" I said raising my eyebrows and crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yea but you know that doesn't apply to you. I'd never call you that anyway, except for in front of my father you know" he said.

"Yea yea whatever just pick up a sponge and help me scrub this damn ink off" "bu-"   "No no buts now get on with it" I cut him off.

Time Skip

We were all done and sat down exhausted from all the scrubbing. Draco just cried in a corner telling me about how he felt poor and rambled on about his life choices. But in that moment all I could think about was the shadowy figure by the large window.

It scared me I felt as if it was staring into my soul but I was unable to move, speak or do anything I felt frozen. It had been there for at least five minutes. I felt I knew it from somewhere or I had seen it before -but where.

Before I could think about it any longer Professor Snape made his dramatic entrance into the classroom with his eyes wide with surprise. Surprise that we had cleaned everything up.

" Mr Malfoy I've sent a letter home to your father and Miss Potter I've sent a letter to your uncle. I thought it was best they know of your behaviour" he said looking down at the both of  us.

We stood there waiting for him to give us our wands but he just stood there.

"Umm sir" "yes" he replied ever so calmly. "You've still got our wands" Draco said finishing my sentence. "Ah yes right then here. Off you go back to your dormitories and Mr Malfoy I don't want to see you in here again. Especially if it is because of this girl" he spat, gesturing  for us to get out.

Draco didn't reply to him he only walked out dragging me along with him.

We walked for a while and the I felt something brush past me. I stopped but noticed Draco did the same he went pale.

"Draco" I said my voice barely over a whisper. "Yea" he said back his voice cracking not because he was gonna cry but from fear of what it was as if he knew.

"I-" Draco cut me off saying "Olivia don't say anything". I stayed quiet and frozen just like him till he gently grabbed my hand and started to run.

We just ran not sparing a single glance back to what was coming for us.

We burst into the common room to find our friends still in there this time with a drink in their hands.

They all jumped up and looked at us "what what happened" Enzo said looking at us and colour came back to our faces and we regained our breaths.

"I- I -we" I couldn't speak I only looked over at Mattheo and he looked like he was about to explode.

I looked down to see me and Draco holding hands and I realised what it was that pissed him off.

It was not only the fact Draco was holding my hand it was that I was wearing his quidditch shirt and it was stained with ink.

I quickly let go of Draco and looked over at Mattheo he seemed to calm down seeing my actions.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get it all messed up" I said. "It fine I'll get a new one" he sighed.

"WHO CARE ABOUT THAT" Theo yelled at us. "Tell us why the fuck you were running like you saw a demon" Enzo said.

"I don't know something was chasing us down the corridor and I saw it in the classroom window as well I don't know what it was" I explained. "Wait you saw it in the classroom and didn't think to tell me" Draco said. "Well I didn't want to disturb your crying session." His face went red.

Everyone started to laugh. "Why the hell was he crying" Tom asked. "Because he had to clean up ink with a sponge" I said thinking everyone would think he was just too spoiled but everyone just looked at me in shock.

"What" I asked confused. "Don't tell me none of you have ever cleaned anything" I said looking at them in disbelief. How rich were they?  "We never have and we never will" Pansy said.

We sat down and talked for a while but I just felt out of it I couldn't shake off the feeling that who ever had chased me and Draco down was with us in this room watching us. I couldn't forget about Draco's reaction either it's as if he had felt something like that before or he knew who it was.

It happened again this time I didn't say anything not wanting to scare the rest of them I just held onto Mattheo's arm tight and prayed to Merlin that it was just my imagination coming into play. But I knew it wasn't something really was there.


Word Count: 1494

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