Truth or Dare

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This chapter is a bit long, sorry bout that😅

We got to the party, only after arguing with the fat lady to let us in. Thank god Harry was going in which sort of confused me but I didn't think much about it.

We stepped into the Gryffindor common room to be blinded with red lights flashing everywhere and music blasting so loud. I was surprised that the professors didn't hear, I guess Harry took some precautions and used a silencing spell.

Pansy spotted her friends and dragged me there by my arm throwing me on one of the couches. And out every couch which one did she shove me on, the one with that damn toad. 

I landed with my head landing on his lap. I jumped up and saw him smirking; I wanted to say something but somebody got to it first. "Wipe that damn smirk of your face riddle" Harry said making me jump a little since I didn't know he was there. "What smirk" Riddle asked knowing very well what Harry meant. Harry just scoffed and dragged me away with him.

Mattheo POV

Harry scoffed at me and just dragged Olivia away with him. I was honestly surprised she had nothing to say, I mean she looked quite pissed off about my reaction to it. But it's not like I wanted her on my lap.

After a while of all of us talking I was getting a bit board and I certainly didn't have enough to drink so I got up and Theo stopped me. "Wait are you going to get drinks" He asked stupidly. "Well no shit Sherlock, where the fuck do you think I'm going" "Well there's no need to be rude about it, anyway if you're going can you get 30 shots of liquid Cocaine" he asked. "30 Shots" I asked a bit shocked with the amount he had asked for. "We're going to play truth or dare I'm getting really bored" he explained. I just nodded my head and went to get the drinks. And I spotted Olivia sitting looking bored out her mind. I just laughed to myself and went back to where we were sitting just to get a glare from Pansy. "What" I asked her. "I saw you looking at her and instead of inviting her you just laugh" "I mean what was I supposed to do go over and beg Harry to let me bring her over here" "YES" Pansy shouted at me.

I cursed under my breath but still went over. When I reached where they were sitting I stood directly in front of Olivia and Ron asked "What the hell do you want coming over here" quite rudely. "Non of your business carrot top" I spat. I heard Olivia chuckle but that was quickly stopped with an aggressive push from Harry telling her to shut up. I swear I almost lost it. Who did he think he was acting like that with her, I couldn't be asked to ask her to come with me so I just threw her over my shoulder and took her away. I ignored all the shouts from Harry and that mud blood and kept on walking.

Once we got there I put her down and received a harsh slap with her glaring at me. I couldn't help but laugh at her, I mean does she actually think that this was revenge or something.

Olivia's POV

"Who the hell do you think you are, throwing me over your shoulder like a sack of potatoes" I shouted. But he just laughed. How dare he laugh after picking me up like that and doing it in front of my brother. I wanted him to be in pain not to be amused.

He sat down and pulled me down with him. I just sat there looking at his in disbelief. Who does he think he is.

After about two minutes of silence I spoke up "Anyone going to tell me what I'm doing here" I said more rudely than I would have liked it to sound.

"Well Olivia, you're here to play a game with us because you looked bored over there and we took pity on you and decided to put you out your misery." Theo said.

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