Thank you & Some News!

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So, that's the end of William and Orion's story!

I just want to thank everyone who has ever read even a single word of this book. When I started it, I didn't completely know where I wanted it to go, but I knew that I wanted to write a character-driven story.

Even as the author myself, I had a love-hate with William just like the rest of you. He was confused, cowardly, and even illogical at times.

But, I think that's how I somehow fell in love with him? Getting to write a main character that was far from perfect challenged me in so many ways because I've actually never completed a story before! (This is my first that wasn't hopelessly abandoned LOL!)

I just want to tag a few individuals who have given me massive support! These people have no idea how much their little comments or votes meant to me, and motivated me to sharpen my craft and finish my first story!

They are listed below, and a lot of them have fabulous stories of their own that can be checked out!:

weirdgirlsrule vegorion sup3r_n0va_ lilypadTerry777 _reichii posingholy Wingsandpens wh4twh0wh3n thesweetestsooul UpdatesAllWeek

With that being said, I will still be active and continue supporting all of my ongoing reads, because I do have another project in planning that is a little different than this book...

Well, very different because it's a revenge romance! It's one of my favourite genres and the characters in the book I'm writing were made several years ago, WAY before I thought about William and Orion, so they're very dear to me. When i'm ready to release a few chapters, I'll probably post something on this book! The entire book is planned out already, so it should be soon. It's way longer than this book, and expected to be around 35-40 chapters!

Anyway, just wanted to thank all of you again, I didn't tag every single person who supported me at some point along my journey, but I see all of you. Everyone who added my story to any lists, thank you! And, I wish you all an amazing year with fabulous health, and luck!

Thank you,


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