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"Knock-knock, D." A hand raps against the old wooden door, which had already been flung open.

Diana looks up from the book in her lap and quirks her eyebrow up. "You're supposed to do that before you open then door." She replies in a deadpan voice. Over the years she's gone through this over a dozen times a month so it doesn't really surprise her anymore.

The woman really has no sense of personal space, especially when it comes to the younger slayers. "Is that anyway to treat your favourite mentor?" Faith grins, not bothering to wait to be invited in. She perches herself on the empty bed opposite the blonde's.

The fourteen-year-old Diana's face softens. Out of all the Sunnydale slayers, Faith is most definitely her favourite and there's no denying it. "What do you need?"

"It's not what I need exactly." Faith grins, she glances over to the doorway she was previously stood in and motions for the girl hovering in it to come inside. "We've got a new slayer and you're close in age- she's going to be your new roomie." The lanky brunette shuffles inside the room and stations herself next to the bed Faith is sat on.

Diana is the youngest to awaken their potential in a while, which means that everyone she shares her class with are older. Whilst all slayers start out rather young, thirteen was definitely the number to beat. Although now that she's a little older, it's about time that there's someone around her age arriving at headquarters. Buffy had told her, after all, that it may be a year or two before that happens- and lo and behold now seems to be the time.

The blonde folds the edge of the page of the watcher diary she's currently skimming through and smiles at the new girl. "Hey, I'm Diana."

"Athalia." She replies in almost a whisper. The girl wrings her hands together nervously and she's shaking ever so slightly.

Faith claps the girl on the back encouragingly, causing her to stumble forward slightly but the woman doesn't take any notice. "She's pretty quiet, just like you were when you arrived so I thought that you could help her open up a little." She suggests.

Diana doesn't seem all too convinced about that idea. Whilst she was in fact quiet when she arrived, it was because she was practically feral. However this girl behaves more like a little mouse than anything else. Not that any of this makes her less enthusiastic about having a roommate. "Alright."

"Great." Faith grins, rising up from the bed. "I'll see you both at dinner."

"Are you sticking around for a bit?" Diana asks the woman hopefully. She's always coming and going, the perks of being one of the bosses is making your own schedule and finding your own exciting new missions.

Faith nods. "Only 'cause I want to know what you've been up to recently, Tiny." She grins, stretching her arms out above her head and groaning a little when a popping sound emits from her shoulder. "You better have some cool stories for me."

"Don't you know it." Diana grins, giving the woman a wave as she leaves the two teens to get to know each other. "So, how old are you?" She asks the brunette. The girl looks like she's new to all of this, so it's probably best to start off with a normal conversation to ease her in. Although it has been a while since she's interacted with anyone outside of headquarters.

"Fifteen." Athalia replies curtly. Faith was right, she really isn't much of a talker.

Diana nods slowly. "Cool, I'm fourteen."

The brunette's eyes widen slightly at the revelation. "Really? I don't even feel ready for any of this now, let alone being a year younger." Her face turns red and the flush only deepens the further into the sentence she gets.

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