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"I didn't realise that you and Leah were still so close." Paul comments the next day, when the two of them are on their lunch break. They are sat in his dad's office which is in a trailer at the side of the building site.

Diana quirks her eyebrows up at him in surprise. "Why wouldn't we be?" Ever since they met they've been inseparable and neither of them ever plan for that to change. She hasn't even known Paul all that long either, so the girl has no idea what he means by 'still'.

"After all that stuff with Sam... I don't know." Diana shoots him a sharp glare, warning him to tread very carefully with his next words. The subject is still rather sensitive for everyone involved and there's probably never going to be a day they can all laugh about it. "She just got so angry and closed off. I mean, I was never on good terms with her, but from what I heard she just kinda pushed everyone away."

The blonde snorts. "Clearly not everyone." She informs him with a cocky grin. "We're closer than ever." Diana isn't even just saying this to get on the boy's nerves, they really are closer than they've ever been and have been on the hunt for a small house to rent together- on the reservation per Harry's request.

"I see that now." Paul chuckles, dropping the subject. The two girls are rather alike now that he thinks about it, neither of them have any friends and are rather protective of the few people they care about. When he and Sam had shifted together after that day that he and Diana fought, he saw how she also beat him to a pulp the day after she found out what had happened with him and Emily.

Diana's smirk fades into a frown. "How do you know if someone is going to shift?" She asks him out of the blue, or at least it is on his end. "Like, what are the signs?"

"Why do you want to know?" Paul gives her a suspicious look, knowing that she's up to something- but what, he has no idea.

The blonde doesn't reply immediately, not wanting to make him suspicious about Leah for no reason. The girl might not be phasing like she thinks and she doesn't want this possibly awkward situation become even harder for everyone involved. "I'm just curious." He still looks unsure, so Diana decides to offer up some information in return. "I'll tell you how I became a vampire slayer."

"Fine." Paul groans, kicking his legs up on his dad's desk and leaning back on the swivel chair. "From what I know, there's uncontrollable fits of rage. Like if someone even looked at me wrong when I was close to phasing I wanted to punch their face until it caved in."

Diana snickers. "I'm familiar with that urge." She's acted on it a number of times too. "What else?"

Paul hums. "I started getting hungrier, like I could eat an entire horse and it still wouldn't be enough." He tells her, to which Diana is also familiar with. Not to mention that Leah is already showing these two signs, suggesting that her assumption isn't too far off. "My skin also got incredibly hot, like there was a furnace under my skin."

Shit. This is sounding exactly like what Leah is going through. She's finally moving on from the damage Sam had done to her and now at some point in the near future it looks like she is going to be bonded to him through the pack. It's heart breaking to think about and Diana really doesn't want her best friend to go through anything like that. "Anything else?"

"Well my senses were also slightly heightened, not as much as they are now but close enough." Paul replies, finishing off his sandwich and pulling out another from his bag. "So, are you going to tell me your 'origin' story now, Xena?"

Diana shrugs, not intending to give him the full story in the middle of their lunch break at work. "You know, the usual. Shitty dad, neglected kid and voila, super strength."

Paul smirks. "Come on, there's got to be more to it than that?" He insists, knowing that this can't be anywhere close to being the whole story.

"There is but I don't feel like sharing my tragic backstory with Sam Uley and Jared Cameron as well." Diana remarks, knowing about the pack mind link. There isn't a single secret between the three of them so if she tells Paul something, the other two are bound to know sooner or later.

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