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Emmett nudges Edward's shoulder as Alice takes a picture of him and Bella together. "Dating an older woman. Hot." The large boy says with a wide grin, to which Edward scowls in response. "What?" He asks cluelessly.

Diana knows that this is a sensitive subject for Bella and is also why she is less than reluctant to acknowledge her own birthday. "Shut the hell up." She mumbles under her breath, knowing full well that he can hear her- even if he is on the other side of the room. Her eyes are dark as she sends him a dark smile, to which he gulps at.

Rosalie ignores all of this going down and shoves a small box into Bella's hands. "It's a necklace, Alice picked it out." She walks away, bored with this whole situation already- which is something that the blonde deeply relates to. The party doesn't even feel, like it's some kind of performance for Edward's sake to show that they're all making an effort and she hates it.

"Show me the love!" Alice squeals, pushing the copper haired boy and the human together. Edward pulls Bella into an embrace, they look deeply into
one another's eyes- which makes Diana gag. "For your scrapbook. Now open your presents!" She drags Bella over to a table piled with elaborately wrapped gifts, a huge cake and a tall stack of china plates.

"Alice, me and Diana are the only one who even eat cake. That thing could feed fifty." Bella cringes as she stares at the towering desert.

The blonde takes one of the two forks and just digs into the cake, without even so much as bothering to cut out a slice. "Don't you worry, Bella." She says seriously, as if she's taking one for the team. "I will give it my best shot." At least Leah will be happy with the large slice of cake she's planning on bringing home.

"Here, this one's from Emmett." Alice says, offering up a large box.

Diana momentarily stops snacking and shakes her head. "Actually, I want to give her my gift first." She says, pulling out a long, thin box from her coat pocket. "Here, Bels. Hope you like it."

"Di, not you too." The brunette groans, but she accepts the gift anyway. She's at least thought that her sister would see reason- although now that she thinks about it she doesn't know why she had thought that. Historically Diana isn't a very reasonable person.

"I'm your big sister, I couldn't let these freaks show me up." She grins, crossing her arms as she looks at her sister expectantly.

The others crowd around, with Jasper staying somewhat further away than the rest of the family. Bella, being no fan of being the center of attention, opens the gift to find a small white box. Her eyes widen when she sees the knife hidden away inside. It's the same one she had stabbed Carlisle through the hand with- one of her twin daggers.

The girl looks up at her sister in surprise, frowning when the blonde rolls up her sleeves to reveal that where there had been two knives tattooed on her arm, there's now only one. "Di-"

"I'm not telling you to use it on Edwin, don't worry." Rosalie snorts at this, finding it highly humorous that Diana calls him that to his face. "It's just in case of emergencies."

"Thank you." Bella says slowly, glancing over at her boyfriend who doesn't look nearly as annoyed by this as she had thought he would be. In fact, he seems to be taking it very well- too well. Emmett is the next to step forward, handing over a large box. The human rips it open to reveal an empty car-radio box. "Um... thanks?"

Emmett chuckles. "Already installed it in your truck."

"Finally, a decent sound system in that piece of " Edward begins, but his quickly shut up by a stern look from Bella- who loves that truck with all her heart.

She grins at him teasingly. "No hating on the truck." The girl tells him before turning back to the other Cullen. "Thank you, Emmett."

Alice skips forward, holding a small box. "Open mine." She insists, handing it over.

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