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"C'mon, Ana. You know I'm right!" Lori shouts the blonde. She's been on about this for weeks and Diana has never once even pretended to listen to her pleas. "We all know that she's a liability."

It's been two years since Athalia came to headquarters, and Diana is now sixteen. She's moved up the ranks surprisingly fast and now she's the leader of her very own squad. The girl had been able to choose the members and of course her first pick had been Athalia.

The next had been a rather rough looking girl, who has only been a slayer for a few months. Her name is Alara and she's quite possibly one of the most promising new recruits that they've had in a while. She's not a woman of many words but she's a softy at heart.

After her, had been Lori, who has a loud mouth but also the skills to back it up. She's thinks of herself as the second in command of their little group and the rest of the girls just go along with it to keep her happy.

Then finally there is Kitty, who's the baby of the group. She's just as sweet looking as her name suggests but she's the most terrifying of the bunch when they are in a fight. Unlike Diana, who likes to play around a little with her prey, she goes straight for the kill. The blonde had taken quite a shine to her when they had first met, she'd been the one to find her after all, and she's been part of the group ever since.

"She's not a liability," Diana sighs, tired of hearing about this. "She's the lightest on her feet out of the lot of us and it's incredibly useful when we need to sneak in somewhere."

Lori groans. "When have you ever taken us on a stealth mission?" She asks, which raises a fair point. The blonde isn't exactly one for discretion and goes in all guns a-blazing without a care in the world.

Diana bites her lip, knowing that she's right. Out of everyone in the group, Athalia is the weakest link. However Diana always covers for her weak spots, the two of them are like sisters after all. They're Ana and Athy, and they have been since they first met. "It doesn't matter, she knows more about the demons we fight than anyone else in the group. She covers our one weak spot." She argues. "Without her, we wouldn't have known those demons needed to be slain seven times before dying."

"Right, so she's nothing more than a strong watcher." Lori spits. "We might as well just take Dawn with us seeing as you fight on Athalia's behalf anyway."

The blonde slams her fist against the wall, silencing the girl in front of her. She turns to their other two teammates. "Do you both think this way too?"

Alara momentarily stops sharpening her sword and nods.

Kitty gives their leader an awkward smile. "You know I like Athy, she's a great friend..." She begins. "But she really can't keep up with the rest of us."

Lori crosses her arms and gives the blonde a pointed look. "See? Kitty can run laps around her and she's only been here for a few months!"

"Look, Athalia is on our team and that's final." Diana huffs. Lori goes to speak up once more. "I don't want to hear another word about it!"

She storms out of the room but freezes when she realises that Athalia is stood outside the room. Her first is tightly clenched, so much so that her nails had pieced into her palms and drawn blood.

"They're right, you know." The brunette tells her though gritted teeth. She hates feeling so weak. She hates seeing slayers who have been here for a shelter period of time completely overtake her in ability. "I'd probably be dead already if it wasn't for you."

Diana shakes her head. "That isn't true, your skills are just different to the rest of ours." She defends the girl from her own negative thoughts. "Come on, look at the rest of us. We're all brawn and your our brains."

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