Chapter Two.

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I quickly ended the Skype call so they couldn't ask any questions. I wish I could be like Niall, eat whatever I want and never gain a pound it's unfair. Life is unfair. I don't see the point anymore. There is no reason for me to wake up in the morning to an empty house and then go to school where I just get beaten up and picked on. What is the point in this? I hate myself. I started screaming "Why do I have to live? Why is Harry famous? Why me?" I broke down onto the floor in a fit of sobs "I wanna die, please let me die." I then got up and walked to the bathroom. I pulled open the drawer with the secret box in it. I grabbed my best friend out of the box; my razor. I slowly brought it up to my arm and started looking at all of the old scars. I dragged the blade across my skin making another really deep cut. I kept cutting until I could barely see anymore skin. I looked up and I was surrounded by blood. I slowly got up and hopped into a hot shower, at first it stung the cuts and bruises but after a while I just went numb and the hot water massaged the bruises I got from the beating. I washed my hair and my body and walked over to my bed and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

Going out for dinner was horrible. All I could think about was Annabelle, why is she so thin? Where is the black eye really from? Why is she so emotionless? Why won't she tell me what is wrong with her? I have to try and push her out of my head and forget about her for the rest of the tour after all there are only three months until I can return home again.

I woke up to my annoying alarm clocked faced with another day of school. I really didn't want to go but I have to or else my parents would get a call from the school and then I would be in deep shit. My feet hit the cold bathroom floor as I walked towards the thing I dread the most in life; the scales. I stepped on and waited for the number to flicker onto my weight. 57.4kgs. Way to much. Fat. Fat. Fat. Fat. No more food until forced. I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my school bag. As I walked out I saw there was a note on the dining table it read 'Belle darling, your father and I are going on a 5 month business trip. We won't be back when Harry returns in 3 months. We have left $5000 in your bank so you can shop and you may even buy some clothes if you want. We love you very much. Stay out of trouble, love Mum and Dad xx.' Well that's great I am home alone for 5 months. What if something goes wrong? They really don't care about me do they. Oh well. They are never home anyway. I scrunched up the note and threw it on the floor and started on my walk to hell. Or as most like to call it; school. As I walked through the hallway all I could hear was the laughing and sniggering of people. Same old, same old.

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