Chapter Three.

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~2 months and 24 days later ~
It's been ages since mum and dad left. And neither them or Harry have contacted me to see if I was okay. Everything is still the same but considering Harry is coming home soon I threw out all of the old food and filled the fridge and pantry with new, yummy food. But I promised myself I will not eat any of it. It will just sit how it is until Harry comes home. During the last two months I have noticed a lot of changes to my body and weight. I have reached my goal weight of 43kgs but I still look really fat when I look in the mirror. I can't believe I used to weigh 78kgs I must have looked disgusting. I can barely walk now though, I don't have the energy to exercise. I used to go on runs but now I struggle just to walk to school. The beatings have only been getting worse. People saw my cuts and now I am the 'emo' of the school. Everyone is so quick to judge. My whole body is covered in bruises but the bullies no longer hurt my face because teachers kept asking what happened. I swear I have a broken rib because my rib protrudes in an abnormal way. My arms are covered in cuts from the tip of my wrist to my shoulder and my thighs are all covered all the way to my knee. I am truly a horrible person and never have I wanted to die this much. I must go to bed now I am really tired but luckily tomorrow is Saturday so no school for me!

I haven't had any contact with Belle or my parents since that Skype call I had a couple of months ago. I wonder how she is going. I saw that she posted a photo on Instagram and it read 'I am slowly drowning but no one is noticing..' I was a bit scared by that but I'm sure she's just doing it for attention. When she posted it all the boys asked me what was wrong with her and I just said "I'm sure it's just an attention seeking phase." Me and the boys are going to my place tomorrow and we are staying there for two weeks to relax before they all go home to see their families. I just sent Belle a text warning her that we were coming.

I heard the beep of my phone. 'Thats weird nobody ever messages me.' I unlocked it and it read, "me and the lads are coming home tomorrow, we are all staying there for two weeks. Make sure the house is neat and the fridge is stocked. Can't wait to see you. - H. xx" oh shit he's coming home. That means I will have to cover up my cuts. I'm scared I replied with. "Ok, don't expect to see mum and dad they left on a business trip for five months. What time will you arrive? - A. xx" I locked my phone and jumped into the shower and got ready for bed. My phone dinged again. "Why didn't you tell me they had gone? We will get there about 10am. - H. xx" Pfft, he didn't even bother calling me. "You never called. You never texted. Why would I bother telling you." I sent the message and locked my phone. Well that should teach him for not calling. I jumped into bed and fell into a deep sleep awaiting the arrival of Harry.

I reviewed the text message from Belle saying "you never called. You never texted. Why would I bother telling you." Ouch, I have to admit that hurt. I didn't mean to I just got so caught up in the tour I forgot about my home life. Why would mum and dad leave my 15 year old sister at home alone for five months. Surely that isn't good parenting. I sent them a text "Nice to know you left Belle on her own. She is coming with me on my next tour. - H. xx" I soon got a reply from mum "Take her, we weren't planning on coming home to her anyway." Well that's just plain rude? What a bitch! Ugh she frustrates me I just want to get home and see how Belle is going. I don't know how she will take the news that she is coming on my next your with me but she has no choice. I walked out to the boys and said "Hey guys, my parents won't be home they left on a 5 month business trip and left Belle to fend for herself. Would it be ok if she came on our next tour with us? I wouldn't want to leave her alone again." Niall replied with a mouth full of chips "Sure mate, it'll be good to catch up with Belle it feels like we haven't seen her in forever" there was a chorus of yeahs and sures from the other boys and I just said "Thankyou heaps, I am gonna go to sleep we will get to my house about 10 tomorrow. Night boys." "Night Boobear," screamed Lou. "Night harry!" The other boys said together. I trudged back into bed and fell asleep wondering how Belle is going to react to coming on tour?

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