Chapter Six.

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I slept horribly last night, I spent the whole night tossing and turning worrying about Belle. She is so beautiful, I just wish she would be able to see it with her own eyes. I am currently sleeping on the floor right near the couch so that she could stay sleeping on the couch, I found out she has nightmares. She woke up multiple times during the night, short of breath and sweating. I asked her what it was about and she replied simply with, "it was just a bad dream," and turned over and tried to get back to sleep. I am super worried about her I have no idea how to handle this and it wasn't as if I was going to get any help from mum and dad. I've decided to pull her out from school and hire a teacher that can come along on tour with us. He is one of the best teachers in the country apparently, retired of course or he'd still be teaching in some of the most elite schools. I will tell her about this today and see how she reacts I just hope she doesn't have a breakdown like she did yesterday. Speaking of yesterday, I will have to take of her bandages and reapply new ones once she gets up. The sun is just starting to come up when I hear Liam's footsteps coming down the stairs. "Hiya Harry," he says while stretching, his voice still groggy from sleeping "I'm just gonna whip up some omelettes for us all. I've been thinking about meals that will have enough calories to keep Belle going but will still be healthy enough for her to eat them. "Brilliant idea Liam, thankyou so much for this. It means the world" "na, anytime Haz I know you'd do the same if it was my sister." "I definitely would, Liam."

Not even half an hour later the omelettes were ready. I have my suspicions that Annabelle is already up, but she smelt the food so she is trying to sleep through breakfast. These tricks and sneakiness will no longer make it through me and I will be making sure she eats majority of her three main meals each day. While Liam goes up to get the other boys i gently nudge Belles shoulder "Belle love, it's time to get up, we made some omelettes for breakfast." She turns over sighing. I knew she wasn't asleep. "No Harry I don't want any." "You've got no choice it's either eat your breakfast or go to the hospital, I know which one I'd prefer." "Harry, I can't you don't understand." "Belle, belle calm down, you're going to get worked up. You have to know that this food is what's keeping you going, your body is like a car, a car needs fuel but in humans that fuel is food. Without food your cars going to break down. Now c'mon, let's get up and have some breakfast." I knew she wasn't going to get up so I lifted her up and took her to the table myself. Meanwhile, the boys started coming down the stairs saying their good mornings, not receiving any reply from Annabelle. "Okay so Belle you can have two and the rest of us will be having three," she looked up at Liam with a disapproving face. "Do you want something to drink as well, orange juice or something?" "She'll just have orange juice thanks Liam," Harry said. "No!" Belle yelled "No orange juice, water will be fine." "Okay."

We sat down for what seemed like forever, Belle didn't start eating for a while and it took some encouragement from me and the boys to get her to eat. She couldn't sit still, her legs were constantly moving up and down (like she was running on the spot) to burn extra calories. She could barely even look at the food. A few times when she went to eat the food she gagged but still kept it down. She had finished about one and one third of her omelette when she put her knife and fork down, sat still and stared at the ground. We all said encouraging words to her and told her how proud we were that she had eaten, after a while we had all done Belle looked up straight into my eyes and said "I hate you, you've made me a fat pig." She doesn't even sound like herself. Her voice was filled with venom. She wasn't even fat! Whenever she goes into these states it's like she's a completely different person. It's like she has no control over herself. She is a puppet and her mind is the puppeteer. "Belle, I'm sorry. You and me both know you need some food to survive. You didn't make you eat it, I made you eat it. It's not your fault it's mine." I tried to blame it on myself so she wouldn't think it's her own fault. She slowly rose out of her chair, came and sat on my lap and started crying. She was sobbing so loudly and her body was shaking terribly. I hugged her and reassured her that I would love her no matter what. She kept murmuring "thankyou, thankyou, thankyou." She must have been so god dammed hungry but she just couldn't bring herself to eat anything. "Hey Belle, lets go sit on the couch yeah? I have a few things I need to talk to you about." She nodded her head and I carried her to the couch, the whole way I was murmuring sweet words into her ear to calm her down. "Okay so mum and I have been talking and she thinks it's best you come on tour with me," of course I knew I was lying to her but I couldn't tell her that her own parents had disowned her could I? She snapped her head up towards me "what about school?" "Well I have hired you a teacher that will come on tour with us, you will never get behind and he will keep you up to date with all the work that everyone else your age will be doing. He is one of the best teachers in the country, love." Her face broke out into a smile. "Are you sure I wouldn't be a bother?" "No, love, you never were and never will be a bother." Louis piped up. The look on her face is priceless. She looked so happy. "When do we leave?" "Well, we weren't meant to leave for another week or two but I reckon we might leave in a couple of days, what do you think? I just think there's been a lot of bad memories in this house and we just need to move on and start afresh." She had a beaming smile on her face, oh, how I've missed that smile. "So why don't we all go shopping, hey? Buy you some new clothes and a new phone. Is there anyone you want to catch up with before you go, any friends or anything?" The smile on her face disappeared "uhh, no, I don't wanna catch up with anyone but shopping sounds good." What? Doesn't she have a best friend or something? I thought girls her age were attached to each other and did everything together. I, was obviously wrong. Niall shot me a worried glance but we dropped the subject. "Okay well let's all go get changed and go shopping!" "YAYAYA SHOPPING SHOPPING SHOPPING" Louis screamed "We're gonna buy some clothes get our hair cut get our nails done," he said mocking a girls voice. We all laughed and entered into our rooms to get changed.

All of us boys were done in a matter of 2 minutes, but Belle was still in her room. We went and sat on the couch and watched television. After about ten minutes I thought I would go up and see what was happening. I knocked on her room but received no reply. I walked in and saw Belle standing in front of the mirror in black leggings a jumper that was much too large for her tiny figure, lots of necklaces and braclets, wearing combat boots with her hair down in waves. She was just staring into the mirror not saying a word. Her eyes were glassy as she scanned her body, she didn't even realise I was in the room till I tapped on her shoulder. "Belle, you ready to go?" She shook her head trying to dry her teary eyes and said "yeah, let's go." I put my hand on the lower part of her back and guided her out of the room. I yelled at the boys to hurry up and meet us in the car. Once we were all outside waiting for the driver to bring the car I don't think the boys could hold back their horrified glances. The gap between Belles stick-like legs was so unaturally large. She was emaciated. I looked at them as if to say "don't say a word." When the car pulled up. We all got in and started on our trip to the shopping mall.

--- sorry, I didn't draft this. I tried to get as much done so I could make up for the time you have all been waiting. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will be back and updating soon. All the love.

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