Nothing's impossible for Hwang pt.4 || HyunHo || (A) (F)

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Categories: Author's, Fluff

Ship: HyunHo

!TOP Hyunjin!
DISCLAIMER: This is my original work.
WARNING: dark romance maybe? ok yeah i love hyunjin in the mafia.. dont blame me, but he looks hella hot and fits the character im developing here
3828 words


Hyunjin's father arrived at the hospital, his face a mask of calm determination. He knew what he had to do now. Walking inside, he found Minho sitting in the same spot he had been for hours, eyes red and puffy from crying.

"Minho," he called gently. Minho looked up, a flicker of hope in his eyes that quickly faded as he saw the older man.

"Let's go," Hyunjin's father said quietly. "I have something to tell you."

Minho hesitated, glancing at the door that led to Hyunjin's room. His heart ached to stay, but the exhaustion of waiting and the weight of uncertainty pushed him to follow Hyunjin's father out of the hospital.

As they drove back, the car was filled with a heavy silence. Minho stared out the window, lost in his own world, but Hyunjin's father broke the quiet after a while.

"Hyunjin had a will prepared," he began, his voice steady, though there was a tension underneath it. "In case something ever happened to him. He asked me to make sure you don't lose hope."

Minho turned his head slightly, blinking at him. "A will?" his voice cracked. "He knew...?"

"He knew how dangerous life could be. He always prepared for the worst, even if he hoped it would never come."

Minho looked away again, his eyes filling with tears. The thought of Hyunjin preparing for the possibility of something like this—it was almost too much to bear.

"He wanted you to plan the wedding," Hyunjin's father continued. "He wanted it to say, 'When Hyunjin wakes up' on the invitations. He wanted you to know that he would come back."

Minho's breath hitched, and he wiped his eyes furiously. "How can I plan a wedding when he's not... not even here?" he whispered. "How can I stand there and wait for him when I don't even know if he'll wake up?"

"I know it's hard. But Hyunjin believed in your future together. He wanted you to hold onto that hope, Minho."

Minho shook his head, the tears falling freely now. "I can't plan a wedding without him. I can't... I don't want to make an exhibition for him, to honor him like he's some memory. I just want him here with me. I want him to share these moments with me, to stand beside me when we say our vows, to laugh with me when we see his art in that gallery. I can't do it alone."

Hyunjin's father sighed deeply, his heart heavy with sympathy. "I understand. But you won't be alone, Minho. We're all hoping for Hyunjin's recovery. You don't have to do anything right now, but... don't give up on what Hyunjin wanted for you both."

They reached the house, and Minho got out of the car slowly, his legs feeling weak beneath him. He followed Hyunjin's father inside, but his heart felt like it was somewhere else—still in that hospital room, still with Hyunjin.

Hyunjin's father watched Minho's quiet devastation, knowing there was little he could do to comfort him. "Take your time," he said softly. "But remember—Hyunjin wouldn't want you to lose hope."

Minho nodded, though his chest felt tight with grief. He walked upstairs, the quiet of the house almost suffocating. All he could think about was Hyunjin—his smile, his voice, his laugh. And all Minho wanted was for him to be there, by his side, just like they'd always imagined.

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