Nothing's impossible for Hwang pt.3 || HyunHo || (A) (F)

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Categories: Author's, Fluff

Ship: HyunHo

!TOP Hyunjin!
DISCLAIMER: This is my original work.
WARNING: dark romance maybe? ok yeah i love hyunjin in the mafia.. dont blame me, but he looks hella hot and fits the character im developing here
3914 words


The sun barely peeked over the horizon when Minho stirred awake. He hadn't slept much, his mind too full of worry and love for Hyunjin. But today was important. It had to be perfect, just like Hyunjin always wanted things to be.

Sliding out of bed quietly, Minho padded over to the small desk in the room. His eyes caught the ring on his finger, the ring Hyunjin had given him before everything went so wrong. Gently twisting it around his finger, Minho felt a warmth spread through him despite the uncertainty. He pulled out a sheet of paper and began to sketch. Slowly, the outline of the ring formed on the page, delicate and intricate. Beneath the drawing, he wrote carefully in neat Hangul: 사랑해.

Once finished, Minho folded the card and set it aside. He wasn't done yet.

Next, he moved over to Hyunjin's wardrobe. He opened the doors carefully, scanning the clothes inside. He picked out a soft, oversized sweater in a muted blue shade, one of Hyunjin's favorites, and a pair of comfortable pants. He knew Hyunjin would feel more at ease once he could wear his own clothes again. Minho placed them in a neat pile, imagining Hyunjin's smile when he saw them.

But it wasn't enough. Minho glanced out the window, catching sight of the garden just below. Hyunjin loved flowers—especially the ones that bloomed brightly in their own little corner of the world. Minho hurried downstairs, heading straight for the garden.

The cool morning air brushed his face as he knelt by the flowerbeds. He picked the most beautiful blooms—soft pink roses, delicate lilies, and sprigs of lavender. Each flower was carefully chosen, and as he gathered them together, Minho arranged the bouquet with love and care. It was perfect, or as close to perfect as he could make it. Just for Hyunjin.

By the time everything was ready, it was just after 9 AM. Minho took a deep breath and stepped outside, holding the card, clothes, and flowers close. He found the driver waiting by the car.

"Can you take me to the hospital?" Minho asked softly.

The driver nodded, and soon they were on their way. Minho stared out the window, his mind racing. He couldn't wait to see Hyunjin, to tell him how much he loved him again. The drive felt longer than usual, but eventually, the hospital came into view.

As soon as they arrived, Minho rushed inside, eager to see Hyunjin. But when he reached the front desk, the nurse shook her head gently.

"I'm sorry, but you'll need to wait a little longer," she said, her voice kind but firm. "You can't go in just yet."

Minho blinked, his heart sinking. He glanced at the clock on the wall. It was still early. He nodded, though disappointment filled his chest. "How long?" he asked, his voice tinged with anxiety.

"They'll let you know soon. Please wait here."

Sitting down in the waiting area, Minho clutched the bouquet tightly, his fingers brushing over the petals. His mind raced with worries. Why couldn't he go in? Was something wrong? Was Hyunjin worse than they had said?

Each minute felt like an hour. His thoughts spiraled, jumping between memories of the day before and the fear of what might come. He bit his lip, trying to keep his emotions in check, but the worry was becoming unbearable.

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