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Dear Nick,

Hi, wow, this is so awkward, and trust me, you'll see why later in the letter. I'm already cringing at myself, knowing exactly what I'm about to tell you, but please don't skip ahead. I know you want to. I can practically see you rolling your eyes and thinking, "Just get to the point already" but I promise, reading this as it's intended is so much better than skipping to the end. There's a reason I'm writing it this way, and I want you to feel every moment of it.

Okay, now that we've gotten past the temptation to skip ahead (right?), I just need to say this feels so surreal. I've thought about writing you this letter a hundred times, but each time, I chickened out. Either I convinced myself it wasn't the right time, or I wasn't ready for how you might respond, or maybe, I just didn't want to face what writing this letter would mean. But here I am, finally putting pen to paper, and hoping you'll stick with me through it. Even through the awkward bits. I don't know why this feels harder than all the other letters. Maybe because this one matters more. Or maybe because I'm about to say something that could change things between us, and I'm not sure I'm ready for how that'll play out. Either way, here we are. Just you and me, and this awkward letter.

Below, you'll find something I've been hesitant about for a long time, but I'm finally ready to let you in. I've thought about this moment for months, unsure of how you'd feel or how I'd even explain it, but I've come to terms with it now. I'm ready to allow you into my online world, the one I've kept hidden from you, from everyone, for so long.

I'm okay with you knowing how I look now, the way I've changed since you've been gone. Physically, emotionally... everything. It feels weird to admit that, to give you a glimpse of this side of me that's evolved since we've been apart. Part of me wondered if you'd even recognize me if the person, I've become is someone you'd still feel connected to. But I've realized that hiding behind these barriers isn't fair, to me, or you. So, I'm letting them down. Letting you in. 

The truth is, I've changed in more ways than just appearance, and I want you to see all of it. What I've gone through, what I've learned, and how it's shaped me. You deserve to know who I am now, not just the version of me you remember. It's scary, I won't lie. But I think we've both come a long way, and it feels right to share this with you. So, here it is. This is me, raw and real, ready to be seen again.

My user is prettygraciex I know I wasn't very original with my user, but my followers really like it, so I've kept it after all this time. By the time you get this you'll have just missed my stream, watch the vod if you like I don't mind if you do a bit of stalking, it's been a long time coming.

Lots of love,


𝗧𝗼𝗹𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗜𝘁 (𝘚𝘢𝘱𝘯𝘢𝘱)Where stories live. Discover now