Perfect Pitch?

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It was just another day of soundcheck for Taylor Swift's upcoming tour. Tree Paine stood backstage, watching as Taylor gracefully moved between her crew, adjusting microphones and chatting with the musicians. Everything was running smoothly until Taylor suddenly stopped in her tracks.

"Hold on," Taylor said, her brow furrowing as the band played through a few notes. The music sounded fine to everyone else, but Taylor cocked her head, listening intently.

Tree watched curiously. She'd seen Taylor this focused before—like when she was in the middle of writing a song or deep in the middle of a performance—but this was different. There wasn't anything visibly wrong. At least, not to Tree's ear.

"Can you guys hold that chord?" Taylor asked the band. "The E is sharp."

The musicians exchanged confused looks, but they complied. Taylor moved toward the piano player and adjusted a key, barely touching it before nodding. "Better," she said, smiling.

Tree blinked in surprise. "How did you even hear that?" she asked, walking over to where Taylor stood. "That sounded fine to me."

Taylor shrugged like it was nothing. "I have perfect pitch. I can hear when something's out of tune."

Tree's mouth fell open. "Wait, you what?"

Taylor chuckled at Tree's reaction. "Perfect pitch. It means I can hear and identify any note, and if it's slightly off, I know right away. It's no big deal, though."

Tree crossed her arms, staring at her. "No big deal? Taylor, that's incredible! Why have you never told me?"

Taylor laughed, a little embarrassed. "I don't know, it's just always been there. I guess I forgot to mention it."

Tree shook her head in disbelief. "You forget to mention that you can hear when a single note is out of tune in an entire performance? Taylor, that's a gift most musicians dream of."

"I guess," Taylor said, casually plucking a guitar string and nodding when it rang true. "I've always had it. My parents noticed when I was little because I'd hum back songs perfectly. It helps when I'm writing music and making sure everything's just right."

Tree still couldn't wrap her head around it. "So you've been able to do this since you were a kid?"

Taylor nodded. "Yep. It's useful but not something I really talk about. I just like making sure everything sounds how it should."

As the soundcheck resumed, Tree couldn't stop watching Taylor, still stunned by the revelation. She knew Taylor had incredible talent, but this was a whole new level. Perfect pitch wasn't just some small, quirky skill—this was a rare ability that explained so much about why Taylor was always so precise with her music.

Tree smiled to herself, shaking her head in disbelief. "And here I thought I knew all your secrets," she muttered under her breath.

Taylor caught her eye and grinned. "I've got a few more tricks up my sleeve," she said with a wink.

As the band finished tuning and Taylor's voice echoed flawlessly through the speakers, Tree realized that Taylor wasn't just good at what she did. She was, quite literally, in perfect harmony with the music that had shaped her entire life.


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