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Requested by sammyashner

It was an unusually quiet afternoon at the rehearsal space. Taylor Swift’s team was setting up for another round of pre-tour run-throughs, everyone buzzing around as they adjusted lights, microphones, and staging elements. Tree Paine, Taylor’s ever-vigilant publicist, was there too, flipping through notes and mentally preparing for the whirlwind of media obligations that would come with the tour.

Everything seemed normal—until Taylor walked in.

Tree did a double take when she saw her. Taylor wasn’t just dressed casually in her usual rehearsal attire; she was covered in braces. knee braces, ankle braces, wrist braces, and even thumb braces adorned her limbs. It looked like she had raided a medical supply store.

Tree’s eyes widened as Taylor casually strolled in, greeting everyone like she wasn’t one big orthopedic puzzle.

“Hey, guys!” Taylor waved with her braced hand, her voice cheery as usual.

Tree blinked a few times, trying to process the image in front of her. “Uh, Taylor?”

Taylor turned toward her with a bright smile, clearly oblivious to the concern etched across Tree’s face. “What’s up, Tree?”

Tree motioned toward her with a look that screamed, What the hell? “What’s… going on? Why are you wearing… all that?”

Taylor glanced down at herself, as if just realizing she looked like she was preparing for battle. “Oh, these? Yeah, just some extra support.”

“Extra support?” Tree echoed, her voice full of confusion. “You look like you’re about to join the bionic woman club. Did you injure yourself?”

Taylor shook her head, brushing it off casually as if she was just wearing some funky accessories. “Nah, nothing serious. Just keeping everything in place.”

“In place?” Tree’s voice got higher as she struggled to keep calm. “Taylor, you’re covered in braces. What aren’t you telling me?”

Taylor bit her lip, clearly not thrilled about where the conversation was headed, but she knew she couldn’t deflect forever. “Okay, fine. It’s not a big deal, but I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. It makes my joints a little… well, more prone to dislocating.”

Tree’s mouth dropped open, her brain scrambling to make sense of what she’d just heard. “Wait… what? Since when?”

“Pretty much forever,” Taylor admitted with a shrug. “It’s just gotten worse lately, so I have to be a little more careful. Hence the braces.”

Tree blinked, trying to process the information. “And you never thought to mention this? Like, ever?”

Taylor chuckled, scratching her head. “I mean, it’s not exactly something you casually bring up in conversation. ‘Hey Tree, by the way, my body sometimes forgets how to stay together.’”

“Taylor!” Tree’s exasperation grew. “You’re walking into rehearsals like a human Lego set, and I’m just finding out about this now?”

Taylor gave her a sheepish grin. “I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. I’ve got it under control.”

Tree pinched the bridge of her nose, clearly overwhelmed. “Under control? You’re basically in pieces, Tay! You didn’t think maybe I should know about this? What if something happens on tour?”

“Nothing will happen,” Taylor said quickly, though there was a touch of uncertainty in her voice. “I’ve been managing this for years. I just need to wear the braces during rehearsals and stuff to keep things in place. It’s no big deal.”

Tree crossed her arms, her expression a mix of frustration and concern. “Taylor, I need to know these things. What if you dislocate something in the middle of a performance? What am I supposed to do?”

Taylor sighed, feeling a little guilty now. “Okay, you’re right. I should’ve told you. But I didn’t want to worry you. This is just part of my life now, and I’ve learned how to handle it.”

Tree shook her head, clearly still trying to wrap her mind around the situation. “I’m not worried about handling it. I’m worried about you. You can’t just brush this off like it’s nothing.”

Taylor smiled softly, touched by Tree’s concern. “I promise, I’ll be fine. I’ve got a great team helping me with physical therapy and everything. I’ll keep you in the loop from now on.”

“You better,” Tree muttered, though her tone was softer now. “And please, for the love of God, don’t walk into a rehearsal one day with a full-body cast and expect me not to freak out.”

Taylor laughed, her usual lightheartedness returning. “Deal. No full-body casts—unless it’s for a music video.”

Tree rolled her eyes but couldn’t help the small smile creeping onto her face. “You’re impossible, you know that?”

Taylor grinned, reaching out to give Tree a reassuring pat on the arm with her braced hand. “That’s what makes me fun.”

As Taylor headed off to start rehearsals, Tree watched her with a mixture of amusement and worry. She couldn’t believe Taylor had been dealing with something like this for so long without saying anything. But now that she knew, she was determined to keep a closer eye on her.

After all, someone had to make sure Taylor didn’t fall apart—literally.


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