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Requested by @swiftxkelce

The air felt heavy as Taylor sat alone in her dressing room, preparing for another long day of meetings and public appearances. She'd been doing this for years—always on, always the professional, always composed. But today, something was different.

Her chest felt tight, her thoughts racing like they were spinning out of control. Every little sound—every knock on the door, every distant conversation outside—felt amplified, like it was closing in on her. Her breathing became shallow, quick, and uneven. She clutched the edge of the vanity in front of her, her knuckles turning white as she tried to steady herself.

Her hand flew to her chest instinctively, clutching at the fabric of her shirt as if that might somehow help. But the more she tried to breathe, the harder it became. A wheeze escaped her throat, sharp and strained, as she fought against the mounting sensation of suffocation.

"No... please..." she whispered hoarsely, tears welling up in her eyes. Her body shook uncontrollably, a terrifying mixture of the panic attack and her struggle to catch her breath.

Just then, Tree walked in, immediately noticing the distress on Taylor's face. "Taylor?" she called, her voice sharp with concern. In an instant, she rushed to Taylor's side. When she got a closer look, her worry spiked—Taylor's breaths were shallow, ragged, and far too fast.

"Taylor, are you okay? What's happening?" Tree knelt in front of her, trying to make eye contact, but Taylor couldn't respond. Her lips were slightly parted, her mouth moving as if trying to form words, but no sound came out.

"Taylor, you're having trouble breathing," Tree said quickly, her voice firm but calm, despite the fear she was feeling. She put her hand gently on Taylor's shoulder, trying to ground her. "I need you to focus on me, okay? Try to slow down. You're safe, I'm right here."

Taylor's eyes were wide with panic as she looked at Tree, her chest heaving as she fought to breathe. Her breaths were erratic, shallow, and getting worse. The familiar symptoms of a panic attack had taken a frightening turn, making everything feel like it was spiraling out of control.

Tree's mind raced—she had seen Taylor anxious before, but never like this. Never where her breathing was so labored. "Come on, Tay, you need to breathe. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Nice and slow. Just follow my voice."

But Taylor was too deep into the panic to respond, her breaths coming in shorter, desperate gasps now. Her face was starting to pale, and her hands gripped the edge of the chair so tightly that her knuckles were white.

Tree, realizing the severity of the situation, grabbed Taylor's hand and squeezed it firmly. "I know it's hard, but you're okay. Just keep listening to me. One breath at a time."

As Tree kept speaking softly to her, Taylor managed to catch a few shaky breaths, but her body was still trembling violently, and every inhale was a fight. Sweat trickled down her forehead, and her vision was beginning to blur as the lack of air started to affect her more.

"I can't... I can't breathe..." Taylor finally rasped, barely able to get the words out between her gasps. It felt like her throat was closing, her lungs refusing to cooperate.

Tree's heart sank. She knew Taylor was in the middle of a full-blown panic attack, one that was messing with her ability to breathe properly. But she also knew they couldn't let it get worse. "You're going to get through this. I'm not leaving you, okay? You just need to focus on me."

Taylor's body continued to shake, and Tree kept her voice calm, though inside, she was terrified for her friend. She tried to keep Taylor grounded, rubbing her back gently as she spoke. "You're okay. Just one breath at a time. In through your nose. Let's do it together. In... and out."

Taylor tried, clinging to Tree's words as best as she could. But her body felt like it was betraying her, every breath a struggle that drained more of her energy.

"Taylor, I'm calling someone to help, okay? Just stay with me," Tree said, her voice steady but urgent. She fumbled for her phone with one hand while keeping the other on Taylor's arm, not wanting to leave her side for even a second.

"No... no, please..." Taylor's voice was barely a whisper, her words interrupted by her labored breathing. Her fingers tightened around the edge of the chair, clinging to anything that made her feel grounded.

"Shh, it's okay, it's okay," Tree soothed, trying to keep Taylor calm. But she could see the way Taylor's body trembled and the way her breaths still weren't coming smoothly. Tree couldn't wait any longer. "I'll be right here. I'm not leaving you."

She grabbed her phone with shaky hands and quickly dialed 911. The calm voice on the other end asked for the details, and Tree explained the situation, her voice steady despite the fear gnawing at her insides.

"My friend is having a severe panic attack, and she can't breathe properly," Tree said. "I'm with her, but she's not improving, and it's been going on for too long."

The dispatcher assured Tree help was on the way and stayed on the line with her. Tree gently squeezed Taylor's shoulder, keeping her close as she spoke softly, "Help is coming, okay? You're going to be fine."

Taylor shook her head slightly, her breath still coming in shallow, desperate bursts. "I... can't..." she gasped, her body trembling more as the minutes dragged on.

"You can," Tree said firmly, though her heart was breaking watching Taylor like this. "Just hold on a little longer."

Minutes felt like hours, but soon, the sound of sirens filled the air, and Tree felt a flood of relief knowing help had arrived. The paramedics rushed in, assessing the situation quickly.

"Taylor, they're going to help you," Tree whispered, leaning close to her friend as the medics moved in with oxygen and began their assessment. Taylor, too exhausted to fight, leaned into Tree, her body still trembling but clearly drained.

The medics placed an oxygen mask over Taylor's face, and slowly, her breathing began to stabilize. Tree stayed by her side the entire time, holding her hand and whispering words of comfort.

As the oxygen flowed and Taylor's breathing steadied, her body finally relaxed a little, though she was completely spent. The panic attack had taken everything out of her. She slumped against the chair, eyes half-closed, the exhaustion taking over.

Tree let out a long, shaky breath, her hand still gripping Taylor's. "You're okay now," she whispered.

The paramedics finished checking Taylor's vitals, ensuring she was stable before turning to Tree. "We've got her under control now, but she needs to rest. That was an intense attack."

Tree nodded, her face filled with concern as she looked back at Taylor, who was barely holding on to consciousness.

"Taylor," Tree said softly, leaning close again. "They've got you. Just rest now."

Taylor gave a faint nod, her eyes fluttering closed, her body finally giving in to the overwhelming exhaustion.

Tree exhaled deeply, watching as the medics packed up their equipment. She would never forget the sight of Taylor gasping for air, and while relief washed over her, she knew this wouldn't be the last time Taylor might need help like this.

As the medics left, Tree stayed right beside her, brushing a strand of hair from Taylor's forehead. "You're safe," she whispered again. "I've got you."

And in that moment, with Taylor's breathing finally evened out, Tree knew she'd do whatever it took to protect her friend from going through this alone again.

Taylor Swift and Tree Paine OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now