Tree are you ok

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This was a request by @Linnea723

The tour was in full swing, and backstage was buzzing with activity. Taylor and Tree had been working tirelessly, trying to balance the demands of the show with the logistical challenges of a nationwide tour. Tree, as Taylor's publicist and friend, had been juggling everything from managing schedules to handling last-minute changes.

On the day of a particularly high-energy concert, Tree was running on adrenaline. She had been feeling unusually fatigued, but she dismissed it, attributing it to the sheer volume of work and the excitement of the tour. She took a brief moment to catch her breath backstage.

As she leaned against a wall, she suddenly felt a wave of dizziness wash over her. Her vision blurred, and she stumbled slightly, trying to steady herself. The backstage noise seemed to fade into the background. She could feel her heart racing, and nausea was creeping in.

Before she could react, she collapsed onto the floor, unconscious. The commotion around her didn't go unnoticed. Taylor, who had been rehearsing and getting ready for the show, noticed the sudden chaos and rushed over.

"Tree!" Taylor's voice was filled with panic as she dropped to her knees beside her. "Tree, wake up!"

When Tree didn't respond, Taylor's anxiety skyrocketed. She pulled out her phone with trembling hands, dialing for emergency help. "Help! My friend's collapsed backstage. We need an ambulance right away!"

The backstage crew quickly mobilized, and soon an emergency medical team arrived. Taylor stayed close, her hands shaking as she watched the medics assess Tree's condition.

One of the paramedics spoke to Taylor, trying to calm her down. "We're going to take care of her. It looks like she might be dehydrated and stressed, but we'll know more once we get her to the hospital."

As the paramedics carefully transported Tree to the hospital, Taylor clung to her side, refusing to let go. "I'm coming with you," Taylor insisted, her voice determined yet filled with worry.

At the hospital, Taylor paced the waiting room, her mind racing. She had been so focused on the tour and making sure everything went smoothly that she hadn't realized how exhausted Tree was. Her heart was heavy with guilt and concern.

Hours later, Tree woke up in a hospital bed, her eyes fluttering open. She saw Taylor sitting beside her, looking both relieved and exhausted. Taylor immediately took her hand. "Tree, you're awake. Thank goodness."

Tree's voice was weak as she tried to sit up. "Taylor... what happened?"

"You had a fainting spell," Taylor explained gently, her voice soft but filled with concern. "The doctors said it was due to stress and dehydration. I was so worried about you. I didn't know you were feeling this bad."

Tree looked around, taking in the sterile hospital environment. "I didn't think it was that serious. I've just been so focused on the tour and making sure everything was perfect."

Taylor squeezed her hand. "I know, but your health is important too. We've both been pushing ourselves too hard. You need to take care of yourself."

Tree looked at Taylor, her eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you for being here. I didn't realize how much I needed to slow down."

Taylor nodded, her expression serious. "We both need to take better care of ourselves. This tour is important, but so is our well-being. I want us to find a better balance."

Tree took a deep breath, feeling a mix of relief and exhaustion. "I agree. I'm sorry for putting so much pressure on myself and not listening to my body."

Taylor reached for a nearby chair and sat down beside Tree. "No more apologies. We need to work together to make sure this doesn't happen again. Let's make a pact to prioritize our health from now on."

Tree smiled weakly, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "Deal. I'll make sure to take breaks and stay hydrated. And you need to promise to do the same."

As the days went by, Taylor and Tree worked together to implement changes in their routine. They incorporated more breaks into their schedules and made sure to stay hydrated and well-rested. Taylor became more attuned to Tree's needs and ensured she had time to recover between engagements.

Despite the challenges, the scare served as a reminder of their friendship and the importance of self-care. The tour continued, but with a newfound balance and a stronger bond between Taylor and Tree. They supported each other through the highs and lows, knowing that their health and their friendship were their top priorities.


Taylor Swift and Tree Paine OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now