The crash

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Requested by @Dafuz82

The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm glow over the highway as Taylor Swift's SUV sped towards the venue. Excitement buzzed in the air; tonight was another show, another chance to connect with her fans. As she navigated the familiar road, her mind was filled with thoughts of setlists and stage design.

Meanwhile, Tree Paine, Taylor's long-time publicist and friend, was already at the venue, overseeing last-minute preparations. The atmosphere backstage was electric, with crew members bustling about, but Tree felt a sense of unease. Taylor was running late, and the clock was ticking down to showtime.

As Taylor's SUV barreled down the highway, everything seemed routine. Suddenly, the calm was shattered when an oncoming car swerved into her lane. The impact was jarring, metal crumpling and glass shattering as Taylor's vehicle spun violently before crashing through the guardrail.

Tree's heart dropped as her phone buzzed. A text from one of the crew members popped up: "Have you heard from Taylor? She's late." Tree quickly typed back, but a chill crept up her spine. She felt it—something wasn't right.

Just minutes later, her phone rang, the sound slicing through the pre-show chaos. It was a number she didn't recognize.

"Hello?" Tree answered, her voice steady despite the anxiety churning inside her.

"Is this Tree Paine?" A stern voice replied. "I'm calling from the hospital. There's been an accident."

Tree's world tilted. "What? What happened?"

"Taylor was involved in a car crash. She's been injured and is being stabilized. You need to come to St. Mary's Hospital immediately."

The words hit Tree like a freight train. Her heart raced as she dropped her phone, racing to grab her things.

At the hospital, the fluorescent lights flickered above her as she rushed through the entrance. The smell of antiseptic hung thick in the air, but Tree barely registered it. All she could think about was Taylor.

A nurse led her to a waiting room, where a doctor soon appeared, his expression grave. "Ms. Swift has sustained significant injuries, including a spinal cord injury. We're still assessing the extent of the damage, but she's conscious."

"Can I see her?" Tree asked, her voice steady, though her hands trembled.

The doctor nodded and guided her to Taylor's room. Tree pushed the door open, and her heart sank at the sight of her friend. Taylor lay in a hospital bed, a stark contrast to her usual vibrant self. Tubes ran from her body, monitors beeped steadily, and her eyes were filled with confusion and pain.

"Tree?" Taylor's voice was weak, almost a whisper.

"Hey, I'm here," Tree rushed to her side, trying to keep her own fear in check. "What happened?"

"I... I think I crashed," Taylor murmured, blinking slowly as if trying to piece together the events. "I can't feel my legs."

Tree's chest tightened. "What do you mean you can't feel them?"

"They're... numb. I can't move them," Taylor said, her voice breaking. Tears welled in her eyes, and Tree felt her heart shatter at the sight of her friend's vulnerability.

"We're going to figure this out, Tay. You're going to be okay," Tree promised, even as the reality of the situation weighed heavily on her.

Taylor turned her head slightly, her eyes searching Tree's face for reassurance. "I was supposed to perform tonight... I can't believe this happened."

Tree nodded, trying to keep her composure. "You've got so many people who love you. We'll get through this together."

But deep down, Tree felt the gravity of the situation. The uncertainty loomed like a shadow over them. Taylor had always been the one in control, the one who took charge of her life and her career. Now, everything felt upended.

The hours dragged on as doctors came and went, discussing medical jargon that blurred in Tree's mind. The word "paralysis" echoed in her ears, and she could see the dawning realization in Taylor's eyes.

"I don't want to be a burden," Taylor whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"You're not a burden, Tay. You're my best friend. We'll figure this out," Tree said, gripping Taylor's hand tightly. But inside, she feared the road ahead—how would Taylor cope with this new reality?

As the night wore on, Tree stayed by Taylor's side, listening to her fears and doubts. They talked about everything—memories, dreams, and what the future might hold. The bond between them felt unbreakable, even in the face of such uncertainty.

But as Tree watched Taylor struggle with the harsh reality of her situation, she knew that this was just the beginning. Their lives had changed forever, and they would have to navigate this new path together—one step at a time.


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