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Taylor Swift was notorious for her grace on stage. She could glide across a stadium packed with thousands of fans, hit every note perfectly, and dance in heels like it was second nature. But offstage? Taylor was an entirely different story.

Tree Paine had seen it all. The countless moments where Taylor tripped over her own feet, spilled coffee all over the table, or misjudged door frames, leaving her arms bruised from bumping into them. If anyone could win an award for the clumsiest person alive, Taylor would have taken the gold every single time.

One afternoon, Tree was over at Taylor's place, catching up on tour plans and discussing future projects. Taylor was in her kitchen, making tea, when Tree heard the unmistakable sound of something clattering to the floor.

"Taylor, you okay?" Tree called from the living room, half-expecting Taylor to have knocked over a chair or dropped the kettle.

"Yeah! Just knocked over a spoon," Taylor called back, her voice casual like this was a daily occurrence — because, well, it kind of was.

Tree shook her head with a fond smile. It had become second nature to check on Taylor, given her tendency to attract minor accidents like a magnet. They got back to work, but the peaceful vibe was quickly interrupted when Taylor stood up from the couch later and stubbed her toe on the coffee table, yelping in pain.

Tree winced sympathetically. "You good?"

"Yeah, yeah," Taylor said, hopping on one foot for a second before collapsing back onto the couch with a sheepish grin. "It's fine, really. Happens all the time."

Tree sighed. "How are you the same person who performs in front of millions without a hitch but can't seem to make it five minutes in your own home without hurting yourself?"

Taylor shrugged with a laugh. "The stage is like my safe space. Real life? Not so much."

Later that day, after Taylor tripped over a pile of magazines on the floor (again), Tree couldn't resist saying, "You know, if you ever need a full-time personal bubble wrap assistant, I'm here for you."

Taylor laughed, her face lighting up despite the sting in her toes. "Honestly, I might take you up on that. Just wrap me up before every non-performance activity."

As clumsy as Taylor could be, it was part of her charm, and it always made Tree smile. Even with all the bumps, bruises, and mishaps, Taylor took it all in stride. She might have been a superstar on stage, but at home, she was just as human — and as prone to tripping over her own feet — as anyone else. And somehow, that only made her more lovable.

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