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After Katie’s abrupt departure from the coffee shop, YN returned to their apartment, feeling a mix of frustration and sadness. They changed into comfortable clothes, trying to unwind from the emotional turbulence of the day. Just as they were about to head to bed, their phone rang, startling them.

YN glanced at the screen and saw it was Ella McCabe, Katie's younger sister. They answered the call, their voice weary. “Hello?”

“Hey, YN. It’s Ella. I’m sorry to bother you, but I need to talk to you about Katie,” Ella said, her tone urgent but concerned.

YN sat on the edge of their bed, bracing for the conversation. “What’s going on?”

Ella hesitated for a moment. “Katie’s really upset. She’s been talking about you non-stop, and it’s clear she’s struggling with the fact that you haven’t accepted her apology.”

YN sighed, trying to articulate their feelings. “I understand she’s upset, but it’s not just about accepting an apology. I need to see that she’s genuinely trying to make things right. Trust is something that has to be earned.”

Ella’s voice softened with understanding. “I get it. Trust isn’t something that can be given away easily. Katie’s clearly hurting, but I understand where you’re coming from.”

“Thank you for understanding,” YN replied, feeling a small sense of relief. “I just need her to show through her actions that she’s committed to fixing things, not just saying the right words.”

Ella agreed. “I’ll pass on what you said. Maybe giving Katie some time and space will help her reflect on what needs to change.”

With that, Ella ended the call, and YN was left alone with their thoughts. They felt a pang of sadness at the unresolved tension between them and Katie. It was clear that the path to rebuilding their relationship was fraught with difficulty, and the road to forgiveness seemed long and uncertain.

YN turned off the lights and lay down in bed, feeling the weight of the day pressing heavily on them. As they tried to drift off to sleep, their mind replayed the events and the conversation with Ella. The emotional exhaustion of the past few days settled in, leaving YN with a sense of frustration and disappointment.

The night was restless, marked by a sense of unresolved conflict and the uneasy feeling of a friendship that was hanging by a thread.

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