Chapter 6

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The next day…

Sin was having breakfast with everyone when his twin brother, Star came running into the room, Star looked worried and frantic, which wasn’t like him at all.

“Who is he?” Sara asked Sin.

“Oh, he’s my twin brother Star; he’s the beast, the antichrist.” Sin explained.

“What’s wrong?” Sin asked his twin.

“I-I can’t f-find them anywhere! I j-just don’t know what happened, I c-can’t find them!” Star said.

“Calm down, who are you looking for?” Sin asked.

“My creations, Lelouch and Lyria! I can’t find them anywhere!”

“Creations?” Raphe asked.

“Kind of like the way God created man from clay, Lucifer created Vampires from metal and Lycans from stone, and so on.” Sin explained.

“I created Lelouch and Lyria from bone…but I can’t find them anywhere! I’ve called for them, I’ve called their phones but they’re not answering!”

“Lelouch and Lyria…” Gabe mumbled to himself, as if he had heard the name somewhere else before. “What do they look like?” He asked.

“Like five year-olds, they’ve got black hair and have huge purple eyes, and they threaten people a lot.” Star said, he seemed to be going through memories of them and his heart felt broken.

“Maybe the angels took them last night, when they stormed in looking for us.” Gabe said, at this thought Star burst into bright blue flames and the floor cracked beneath his feet, and he growled like, well a beast. Lucifer ran into the room to see what had happened, and Star was still on fire.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Lucifer asked.

“The angels stole his only two creations, and he’s heartbroken.” Sin explained, by this time Star had calmed down to the point where only his horns, wings and tail were on fire.

“And just what are you going to do about it?” He asked Star.

“I’ve got an idea, but when Michael sees it he’s gonna try to kill me.” Star said.

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