Chapter 3

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They each yelled out in agony from the pain. Lucifer had been waiting for his son Sin to return with information, but wasn’t expecting him to come crashing down from the heavens with seven angels landing in his yard.

“Damn…” Lucifer mumbled under his breath. His wife Lilith screeched and ran outside. He walked after her and out to his yard, where he found these kids four feet deep in the ground.

“Are their backs broken?” Lilith asked.

“No but they’re going to have some bad bruises for the next couple of weeks. We should probably get them out of the ground.”

“Ahoj tati, I dělal to, um, hodně,” Sin said in demon language standing up. “Ah Moje záda!”

Translation: “Hey Dad, I did it, um, sorta,” Sin said in demon language standing up.  “Ah! My back!”

Sin got his spine strait and then looked to the seven new demons pulling each other out of the ground, but he was really worried about Micha. He held his hand out to Micha, who took it and got out of the ground.

“Ow, fuck all kinds of duck that hurt like a bitch!” Micha said, Sin laughed and Micha leaned against him for support.

“How are you fine and the rest of us are bruised and bloody?” Micha wondered, looking at Sin, who was fine.

“Black magick, it heals me whenever I get hurt.”

“Lucky…” Micha muttered under his breath.

“Here,” Sin said, putting his hand on the back of Micha’s neck (sending shivers down his spine) and letting his magick flow through Micha’s back and healing him completely, “Is that any better?”

“Much better…” Micha sighed, and never stopped leaning against him for support. They both felt the same way for each other, and they both knew it.

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