Chapter 1

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Narrator’s POV

Sin’s father wants him to look for angels who could be easily deceived. He is Lucifer's second son. Sin used his demon wings and flew up to the golden gates of heaven, and, surprisingly enough there were eight teenage angels sitting in front of the gate. He tried to go unnoticed, but of course the universe just had to screw him over, and they saw him, luckily he hid his wings, tail, and horns just in time. The first one he laid eyes on was a boy with white, strait, long hair put up in a ponytail, gold-yellow eyes, he was shorter than Sin by mybe two inches, paler, and thiner, in Sin’s mind he was cute, and when he saw Sin his eyes glazed over with a golden hue for only a few seconds. Mates. The boy didn’t seem to have noticed, but Sin did.

“Hey…” Sin said, not really knowing what to say.

“Yo, you come to join the snooze-ville club?” The white haired boy asked Sin, and in Sin’s opinion these kids looked pretty bored, and kind of pissed.

“And just why are you guys sitting out here?” Sin asked.

“Our parents, the seven Archangels, are making us sit out here to ‘Watch for Demons’ so we get to sit by a gate for the day.”

“Dude that sucks!” Sin said, pitying them.

“Yeah, I’m starting to see why Lucifer left ha ha ha!” Another angel said jokingly.

“Don’t joke about stuff like that Raphe, don’t you know the saying? Speak of the devil and he shall appear.”

“Raphe? You’re Raphael’s kid?” Sid asked.

“Yup. The one with the white hair is Micha he has a twin brother named Gabe, they’re Michael and Gabriel’s kids, Nurial over there (points to a girl with dark gray curls) is Uriel’s daughter, Rasuil (points to a girl with short, strait, brown hair) is Raguel’s daughter, Jeremiel (points to a boy with rust-red colored short hair) is Remiel’s son, and last but not least there’s Sara (points to a girl with silver hair) she’s Saraqael’s daughter.”

(AN: There's a pic of Sin to the side >>)

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