Chapter 2

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AN: There's a picture of Micha to the side!

“So where’s Gabe?” Sin asked, noticing that Micha wasn’t standing next to his twin.

“Right here!” A voice said from across the gate, the boy jumped over the gate and landed near us. He looked like Micha, but with shorter hair.

In a half an hour Sin was best friends with them, another half and he had them wanting all to change to Demons.

“Oh damn, when our parents find out we’ll be skinned alive.” Jeremiel said.

“Not if you jump.” Sin said, motioning his hands towards the edge of the heavens.

“That seems like our only option right about now…” Sara said.

“Okay then, let’s do it guys! Let’s jump!” Gabe said enthusiastically.

“Wait! When we jump we can’t use our wings, or else the wind from the fall will take them clean off, if you want to keep your wings then retract them, and keep your eyes closed and turn your back to the ground and your face to the heavens.” Sin said.

The seven soon-to-be-demons nodded, and retracted their wings. They all, even Sin, walked to the edge and closed their eyes before turning around leaning backward and falling.

The fall was silent, with the exception of the wind, the force pushing them down known as gravity was cradling them each in wind, they were falling fast but it seemed to take a very long time before they reached Hell and their backs hit the ground.

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