Chapie 8

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Star pushed the huge double doors of the Vatican open and shot all the people he laid eyes on, until they approached two more double doors.

Star was reloading when one of the Illuminati pushed his gun down.

“Allow us Young master.”

The Illuminati kicked the double doors down, and shot everyone in sight, with the exception of Pope Benedict.

“Beast!” Star called, a large three-headed dog appeared in the room, a six on each head. It walked to Star and Star pointed to Pope Benedict.

“Sick him” Star commanded, the dog lunged at the pope and tore him to shreds while he screamed. Once he was dead Beast turned back to Star.

“Eat” Star instructed, the beast dragged the corpse out of the chair he was sitting in and ate it at the foot of said chair. They all spent the rest of the day killing everyone in the Vatican.

“Now…we wait.” Star said as the sun set.

“Wait for what exactly?” Nurial asked.

“You guys’ parent to come and try to kill us, me more specifically. The Archangels don’t come out in the presence of the morning star.”

“Tch, we’d never let those doves touch you Young master.” One of the Illuminati scoffed, the others nodded in agreement.

“I’m glad to hear it; I definitely don’t want to fight off any of the seven archangels.”

“Of course” The Illuminati said in unison.

“Beast, Beast, that’s enough, I’m full.” Star said, the dog stopped eating the carcass and laid by Star’s feet, and turned into a three-headed puppy, star looked about ten years younger as well, now he’s 7, normally he’s 17. Star picked the pup off of the cold, marble floor and set it in his lap.

The demons all looked at him confused, except for Sin who knew his twin all too well.

“Beast is a part of him, Star wanted a creation and his first one was Beast, they share a bond physically, mentally and emotionally, kind of like twins but they weren’t born together and aren’t the same species, all creations have a link with their creator, but only the first of their species have this. They usually take turns eating, because if one eats they both feel it, but that sort of connection is only between the first creation that the master creates.” Sin explained. “Star you probably should have remembered that it was Beast’s turn to eat today and shouldn’t have eaten breakfast.”

Star shrugged. “I’ll be fine.” He said, petting Beast.

They were interrupted when the seven Archangels came in with other warrior angels looking around, shocked at the destruction of the pope.

The angels glared at Beast and Star. Star grinned evilly, and Beast gave them a curly smile with teeth covered in Pope Benedict’s blood.

“What have you done?!” Gabriel shrieked in horror.

“I know you doves have my creations and I want them back.” Star said in a voice that sounded just as strong and demanding as his father’s, this scared the archangels and sent shivers down their spines.

“And what if we don’t give you them back, then what?” Remiel asked, slight fear seeping into his voice.

“Then I burn the Vatican to the ground…” Star said.

“…” The archangels said nothing and looked to each other.

“Three…” Star said reaching into his back pocket.


“Two…” Star continued, pulling out a lighter.


“One…” Star said, flicking the lighter on.

“…Alright! You can have the hellions! Take them!” Raphael said, two children with dark hair and teary purple eyes appeared in-between the angels and demons.

“Illuminati would one of you bring them here for me.” Star said, still holding the lighter.

“Yes Young master.” Three of them said in unison, walking out towards the children. Two picked the children up and one watched the Archangels warily.

Star turned the lighter off and put it away, and Beast jumped out of his lap. Star held both of them gently in his arms. He sat there with them in his arms, they were crying and whimpering about bad people hurting them, Star cooed to them and told them everything was going to be okay and that the bad people were gone now.

“So you’ll leave the Vatican now?”

“No” Star said.

“What?! But you said-”

“I said that if you gave me back my children, then I wouldn’t burn the Vatican down, I said nothing about leaving.” Star said, the Illuminati all grinned, it was their job to trick people into selling their souls, and Star seemed to have picked up on their trait of having a ‘silver tongue’.

Raguel was about to say something but Michael stopped him, and they all exchanged glances, before the Archangels all walked out silently.

“I’m going to sleep after I feed these little ones, I’m exhausted.” Star said, before heading up a flight of stairs, two Illuminati close behind. Three other Illuminati went back to Hell to tell Lucifer the news of how his son learned to be silver tongued, tricked the Archangels, and took the Vatican.

Gabe, Micha, Jeremiel, Sin, Raphe, and the rest of the Illuminati boarded up all the doors and windows to keep humans out.

Meanwhile upstairs Star had just finished giving Lelouch and Lyria baths.

“Tati, co jsi dělala, kdyžjste zjistili, že jsme byli chybí?”

Translation: “Daddy what did you do when you found out we were missing?” Lyria asked Star.

“Oh vydva se mi strachy, nevím, co bychsibezvásobaven.

Translation: “Oh you two had me worried sick, I don't know what I'd do without out you both.” Star said, drying off their hair.

Star picked them up and found a bedroom for them to sleep in.

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