Chapter 118 - Harmony between Husband and Wife

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Liu Momo quickly grasped the deeper meaning behind the young lady's words, her face lighting up with understanding as she nodded eagerly, a smile spreading wider across her face.
"...Lately, the madam's temper has grown increasingly erratic," she whispered to the young lady, revealing, "Second Young Master has been striving for scholarly success for years, but he hasn't even managed to become a Juren! The madam is anxious, trying to find a suitable marriage for him... but no one wants to consider him."
It made sense, after all. Second Young Master's unpredictable temperament, his fondness for tormenting maids, and his disregard for others—he was just like his mother. Among the reputable families, anyone could easily inquire and learn of such things. What proper family would dare to marry their daughter off to him?
The girl merely smiled as a muffled crash of shattered porcelain echoed from inside the house, followed by a voice, strained with barely controlled rage, cursing loudly.
"Liu Momo! Xia Yue! Where are you? You wretched servants think that just because I've lost favor, you can treat me so carelessly..."
Liu Momo sighed and excused herself before hastily heading inside.
Ruan Yuluan then made her way to the back garden of the Ruan estate, where she spotted Concubine Xi waving her over from a pavilion in the distance. She lifted her foot and walked toward the octagonal gazebo.
Yuluan seated herself slowly beside Concubine Xi, who immediately took note of her attire and let out a few clicks of approval.
"Fifth Miss, it seems your luck has truly turned—you've soared to new heights, just like a phoenix!"
The girl took a small sip from a teacup she held delicately between her fingers, shaking her head modestly. "Concubine is teasing me."
Unable to resist, she asked in a low voice, "That Yao Momo who poisoned me before my wedding... has she been dealt with?"
Concubine Xi smiled slightly. "Rest assured! How could I keep her around? As soon as you were married, I found an excuse to accuse her of theft and sent her to the outer court to do menial work. She didn't dare protest, knowing she was guilty... Concubine Xu did ask me about her a couple of times, trying to bring her back, but I refused."
Seeing a flicker of confusion in the girl's eyes, Concubine Xi covered her mouth with a hand and whispered softly, "Those two governesses overheard Concubine Xu and her daughter conspiring about their affair, and Concubine Xu personally silenced them..."
Master Ruan had personally investigated the matter at Concubine Xi's urging. Upon discovering that the woman he had favored for so long was so cruel and deceitful, his affection for Concubine Xu had been severed. Although he still dined and chatted with her occasionally, he rarely stayed at her quarters.
All of Concubine Xu's influence had come from Master Ruan, and if he no longer granted her favor, she would be left with nothing. Now that she had lost his support, even the servants were less obedient.
The madam of the house had spent her whole life calculating every move, down to the finest details. But in the end, she had been stricken with debilitating headaches, spending at least ten days each month bedridden. The concubines had to attend to her illness.
It wasn't a matter of disrespect—they each had to serve her tea and medicine. But whenever the madam saw a room full of finely dressed concubines, her mood soured, and she sent them away in frustration.
As for her own son, he had been living a life of debauchery, frequenting brothels and often getting into drunken brawls. Several times, others had come to the house demanding compensation. It was always Concubine Xi who paid them off, keeping the incidents secret from the madam. She even quietly informed Master Ruan, urging him to keep it hidden lest the madam find out and die of rage, which would cause a huge scandal.
Concubine Xi's true intention was to let him continue his reckless behavior until he caused enough trouble for Master Ruan to lose faith in him completely, leaving her own son with better prospects.
Ruan Yuluan fully understood Concubine Xi's motives—it was human nature! With such a vast estate and significant power at stake, few would be willing to give it all up.
Ruan Yuluan's only aim was for Concubine Xi to restrain the madam and Concubine Xu. Her brows raised slightly, and she couldn't help but ask quietly, "How did the madam's health deteriorate so quickly?"
She noticed a fleeting stiffness on Concubine Xi's face, and realization dawned instantly. Concubine Xi's vague explanation followed, "Perhaps it's her age catching up to her, or the stress over Second Young Master... You know how strong-willed the madam is. Illness hits hard when it comes."
Ruan Yuluan didn't pry further, but a faint trace of ridicule flickered in her eyes.
If the madam had known she'd handpicked such an ambitious wolf from among her maids, it might have worsened her condition even more!
After chatting with Concubine Xi for a while, Yin Xu came to fetch her, and together, they left the pavilion, drawing envious glances from the other sisters.
Wealth was not difficult to obtain; it was this rare harmony and affection between husband and wife that was truly exceptional, a blessing that could not be sought but only stumbled upon.

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