No More Hockey

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Mom and Riley sit on the bleachers.

Mrs. Andersen: This should be fun. New team, new friends! These kids look pretty good -- considering they're from San Francisco. Heh heh!

HOCKEY COACH (O.S.) Okay Andersen, you're up!

RILEY I gotta go.

Riley heads onto the ice.

Mrs. Andersen: Okay. Good luck, sweetie! 

(Y/N sits on the bleachers to see Riley play.)

Fear: Oh No. Y/N's Here!

Anger: S**t.

Disgust: Language!

Anger: Sorry.

Disgust: Luck isn't gonna help us now. If she tries to use Hockey Island, it's going down.

Fear: Which is why I've recalled every hockey memory I can think of.

The Emotions are standing ankle deep in memories.

Fear (CONT'D) One of these has got to work in place of the core memory.

Both: She's about to play!/Hurry!

Fear loads a memory into the core holder.

Riley skates onto the ice. INT. HEADQUARTERS Out the window, Hockey Island lights up feebly.

Fear: Ha ha! We did it, Anger and Disgust! It's working--

[BOOM! The Core Memory Holder ejects a memory, slamming Anger in the face. Hockey Island shakes. Fear SHRIEKS. Riley struggles to dribble the puck.]

HOCKEY COACH Line change! Line change! Change it up! Change it up!

[Fear frantically loads memories into the Holder, which spits them out like dodge balls. Disgust and Anger run for cover. The Holder spins furiously, flinging Fear against the window. Memories pelt him.]

Disgust: (hiding behind a sofa) It's like we don't learn anything.

HOCKEY COACH Let's pick it up out there!

[Riley attempts to slap the puck, misses, and TRIPS.]

Anger: That's it!

Fear: No, no, no, Anger. breathe! Find your happy place--

Anger: Leave me alone, Fear. Take this!


[Anger grabs Fear by the neck and ricochets him off the console, then furiously takes the controls. Riley angrily throws her stick to the ice and skates off. The other players stop and watch.]

Mrs. Andersen: Riley, what's wrong?

Riley: Let's go.

Mrs. Andersen: You're not going to finish tryouts?

Riley: What's the point?!

Y/N: (is concerned for his new friend,Riley) Riley! You ok?

Riley: I'M FINE. (Y/N knew she was not fine.)

Mrs. Andersen: Hey, it'll be alright. Let's just go back...

Riley: Stop saying everything will be alright!!!

Coach: Nice hustling, ladies!

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