Outer Edge

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[Joy and Sadness scream as they rocket down the tube. Joy desperately tries to hold on to the core memories. The blue core memory is sorted to a side tube. Joy lands in a bin of memories. Sadness crashes next to her.]

Joy: Oh no... (gathering memories) One, two, three... okay, got 'em. Wha-- where are we?

[Joy takes in the shelving around her.]

Joy: Long-Term Memory...!

[Joy grabs the core memories and jumps out of the dumpster. She sees GOOFBALL ISLAND, silent and dark.]

Joy: Goofball Island?

[Joy surveys the islands beyond. They're all dark.]

Sadness: Hoh... Riley's Islands of Personality. They're ALL down! This is bad.

Joy: We-- we can fix this. We just have to get back to Headquarters, plug the core memories in, and Riley will be back to normal.

[Joy and Sadness hurry towards headquarters.]

Sadness: Riley has no core memories, no personality islands and no-- (gasp)

Joy: Wha-- What is it?

Sadness: You! YOU'RE not in headquarters. Without you, Riley can't be happy. We gotta get you back up there.

Joy: I'm coming, Riley.

[They set off across the bridge to Goofball Island. We see the LIGHTLINE beyond it, leading towards Headquarters.]

Inside Out x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now