Chapter 12: Whims of the Wind

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Zoro's pov:

The storm had passed, and the air felt fresh, crisp. The sea was calm, and the sky... well, it was something out of a dream. The sunlight hit the water just right, creating a massive rainbow that stretched across the horizon, reflecting in the mist left behind from the rain. It was one of those rare peaceful moments on the Grand Line. Normally, I'd be napping, but something had caught my attention-Sanji.

He was standing at the bow of the Thousand Sunny, wearing this ridiculous billowing, multicolored gown that shifted with every step he took. The thing shimmered in the sunlight, its colors changing from deep purples to vibrant reds and soft blues. I didn't want to admit it, but the damn thing suited him.

A few days ago, some mysterious trader gave it to him as thanks for a meal Sanji whipped up. Said it was made from some rare fabrics that only reacted to sunlight or whatever. I didn't really care much for details, but ever since he put it on, something had started gnawing at me.

I tried to shake it off. I mean, come on. It's Sanji. The curly-browed, pervy cook. The guy who pisses me off more than anyone. So why the hell was I staring?

"Oi, Marimo! If you're done daydreaming, maybe do something useful and help me with the sails," Sanji called back, not bothering to turn around.

I grumbled something under my breath about kicking his ass, but I didn't move. The gown kept catching the wind, making it look like he was floating. Damn him. Even when he wasn't trying, he managed to look good.

The peaceful moment didn't last, though. A group of ships appeared on the horizon, sails adorned with flashy designs and weird logos. Fashion pirates. Yeah, that's right-pirates obsessed with clothes. They'd been trailing us ever since the trader gave Sanji that gown, and I knew exactly what they wanted.

One of them called out from their ship. "There he is! The masterpiece in motion! The world's next top model! Get him!"

Sanji groaned, rubbing his temples. "I swear, I didn't ask for this kind of attention."

Without hesitation, the fashion pirates threw grappling hooks over to our ship, ready to snatch Sanji for their Grand Line Fashion Show. The idiots actually thought they could force him into a modeling career.

"Over my dead body!" I muttered, already drawing my swords.

The next few minutes were chaos. The pirates were swarming the deck, yelling about haute couture and runway walks. Sanji was dodging them with effortless grace, his gown swirling around him like he was born to wear it. Every time they got close, he'd send them flying with a well-placed kick.

I should've been annoyed-should've been pissed at how graceful he looked. But there was something else. Every time I watched him move, something twisted in my chest. Something I wasn't ready to admit.

I was falling for him.

It hit me like a punch to the gut. I couldn't stop watching him. The way the sunlight hit his stupid gown. The way he kept fending off these crazed fashion freaks with that smug smirk on his face. He wasn't just some cook to me anymore. Hell, maybe he never was.

And that scared me.

I slashed through the last of the pirates, sending them overboard with a well-aimed kick of my own. They fled pretty quickly once they realized Sanji wasn't going anywhere.

"Good riddance," I spat, sheathing my swords. Sanji, of course, stood there grinning, acting like nothing had happened.

"You're staring again, mosshead. I know you like the view, but I've got work to do," he teased, brushing past me with that damn gown flowing behind him.

I should've snapped back. Should've called him a dumbass, told him to quit his prancing around in that dress. But instead, all I could do was stand there like an idiot, my eyes following the way the fabric swirled around his legs.

He caught my gaze for a split second, and something passed between us. Something unspoken.

I turned away quickly, heart pounding in my chest. What the hell was happening to me?

I didn't have an answer. Not yet, anyway. But I knew one thing-I was falling for Sanji. And no matter how much I tried to ignore it, there was no escaping that fact.

The storm may have passed, but the real whirlwind was just beginning.

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