Don't leave..Astro x Twisted! Glisten [FLUFF]

510 9 69

Requested by: ravenz_cornerzyz


Astro, Sprout, Cosmo, Brightney and Vee were on a short supply run. "Alright." Sprout said. "That was actually kind of a good vote. If you ignore the discount of course." Vee said, dusting off her mic. "Yeah!" Brightney replied. The elevator doors finally opened and everyone walked out, just to hear:

"Hello? Is anyone there..?"

"Glisten." Vee said. "Astro, you got this?" She said. "Mhm.. "

"Right, I'll get the other twisteds then." Sprout said. "Be careful Cosmo." He Pat Cosmo which resulted in a slight giggle from the sweet roll. "AHEM." Vee coughed. "Oh! And everyone else! Ahah!"

He sprinted off.. "Mh.. " Astro started to walk in his separate way, out in the open, he wouldn't have to worry about the twisteds after Sprout, because of his 5 star stealth of course. He smiled finally seeing twisted glisten. "Glisten.." He said, his quietness startled glisten, he didn't hear him coming up at all. "Oh, it's you!" Glisten picked up Astro and hugged him tightly. "Ah-"

Glisten sat down with Astro in his lap, still hugging. Astro smiled at the comfort. "Glisten.. I'm happy to see you too, but can you let go for a minute-?"

"Are you leaving??" He said with worry. "No, no. It's just your hugging me a little to tight-"

"Ah! I'm sorry!" Glisten let go."It's alright." Astro inhaled and exhaled. He loved being put on "babysitting" duty, a bit happy he didn't have to do machines and rest. He moved his blanket and hugged glisten with his arms, of course, glisten hugging back. "Shh shhh... Rest now.." Astro laid his head on Glistens chest. "It's okay. I'm not going anywhere." He said. "Thank you..." The sad mirror replied.

With sprout he was distracting. Going to check up on Cosmo every now and then. He passed a hallway, seeing Astro and Glisten cuddling?? 'What?? Thats- isn't glisten supposed to be walking AROUND while Astro follows? No wonder I have barely seen him.' He thought, raising an eyebrow.

*ding!* 8/9 machines done!* Astro looked at his watch. "Glisten, we should .. Get up." He said, letting go. Glisten stood up and let go of Astro. He followed behind him and Astro slowly walked to the elevator.

Finally either Cosmo or brightney finished the last machine, and panic mode activated. Glisten cracked. "No no...!" He cried. "Ah-.." Astro closed his eyes and flinched waiting for glisten to attack him and take a heart. But he didn't. "Your staying..?" Glisten said. Astro opened his eyes. "I have a better idea." Astro took Glistens hand and led him to the elevator, being the last one there he quickly got in with the others. "AHH- ASTRO?!" Vee yelled. "Tw-twisted- in-" Brightney stuttered.

"Cos stay-" Sprout was about to 'protect' Cosmo but,

"Glisten!!" Cosmo walked up to him. "How have you been?" Cosmo took his hand in comfort. "Fine.." He looked happy. "Cosmo.?"

"Sprout! Come say hi!" Cosmo said, waving a little.

"How are you not phased- there is a TWISTED in the ELEVATOR!" Sprout looked distraught. "Ahem, Now." He said. "Okay.. Hi, Glisten." Sprout walked up to him, putting out his hand to shake it, shivering a little. "Hi.." Glisten shook his hand. Sprout didn't expect this, but was slightly more comfortable, knowing the fact he wasn't a threat, now.. "Astro!! I thought we talked about this, you CANNOT put Glisten in the elevator!"


"No!! I don't care!! That is so unsafe!" Vee yelled. "Sorry.."

"Never again. Okay? Or we'll have to put someone else on babysitting duty." She said. "Fine.." He replied. "Vee stop it!" Cosmo said. "Sorry about her Glisten.." Vee stayed silent. "Helloo friend-" Dandy with his shop came up. His eyes widened. "Glisten.. In the.. Elevator?"

"Yeah." Sprout said. "Uhm, here, take this.." Dandy gave them a medkit. "On the house!" No one was hurt, so they used it on glisten. "Hm, Thank you, Dandy." Astro said, taking it and walking towards glisten. "No problem! Good luck out there!" He waved bye, and left. "Here, let me help you.." Cosmo walked to Astro. "Ah.. Me too!" Brightney also said. Vee and Sprout watched as they tended to Glisten. "Are me and you the only normal ones??.."

"I think your the only normal one." Sprout replied, going to glisten. Vee sighed and did a face palm. "Thank you, everyone! Ill do my best t" Glisten looked really happy. Astro smiled. "Its no problem,really!" Cosmo smiled to. "Happy to help!" Bright Ney said.

the elevator doors opened, and everyone walked out. Glisten following behind Astro.

He then went on to find a million medkits and bandages for them and they went to floor 999999 ,

THE END!! 787 words🪞❤🌙

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