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The four Red Bull drivers sat inside the car, trying to figure out what to do. Earlier that evening Allison took the team out for dinner to express her gratitude towards the team for making her feel welcome and accepted, of course she also invited Max, Daniel and Yuki. The evening and the dinner were beautiful, but upon returning they were hit by heavy rain and strong wind, and now the drivers are stuck in the car.

"So...what are we going to do?" Daniel asked from the passenger seat, as he observed the weather, almost looking dumbfounded.

"We can make a run for it," Max suggested.

"I don't think it's a good idea," Allison replied as she leaned forward on the back seat to get a clear view of what's happening in front of them. The wind is so strong that it looks like the nearby trees are going to fall. And Max has already tried to get the car as close to the hotel entrance as possible, but the cars waiting in front of them have blocked their way.

Yuki was sitting in the back as well with Allison, really regretting not packing up his leftover food.

"Screw it, I am just going to run," Yuki said as he got ready to open the car door.

"No! Yuki wait..." The other three drivers tried to stop him but it was too late. Yuki had already stepped out of the car.

Allison, Max and Daniel looked in horror, the rain barely let them see clearly.

Within seconds Yuki was back, completely drenched and looking like he had his entire life flash in front of his eyes.

"And he is back..." Daniel let out a deep breath, almost sounding annoyed.

"Are you crazy?" Allison was still in disbelief.

"Yeah...I underestimated the situation," Yuki shook his head, trying to get rid of the water in his hair. Allison pushed him away as the droplets of water were falling on her. "Pretty sure I saw a table and a few chairs flying in the storm."

"One more step and the wind would have picked you up," Max commented.

"So we wait?" Allison asked the older driver.

"We wait." Max confirmed. There is no way he is going out in that rain.


As soon as the rain toned down the four drivers got out of the car and ran to the hotel. They were relieved to see that they were not the only people completely drenched from head to toe.

"I think I am hungry again," Yuki mumbled as they stepped inside the elevator.

"Me too," Allison added. They have been stuck inside the car for quite some time after all. "I think I will order some room service."

"Same," Daniel huffed.

Max just stood there, leaning against the wall, patiently waiting for the elevator to reach his floor. He almost got annoyed when it stopped on another floor.

The elevator door opened and the Red Bull team principal Christian Horner stepped in, a look of shock immediately covered his face. Finding all four of his drivers completely soaking wet from head to toe was not what he was expecting.

"Do I want to know?" He looked at his drivers.

The four of them just shook their heads, too exhausted mentally to explain.


Allison was the last one to step out of the elevator. The other three drivers had already reached their floor, and Yuki practically as soon as the door opened.

The young driver was too busy digging in her purse, searching for her hotel room key to notice the person coming from the opposite direction.

"Found it," She said to herself as she pulled out the key card.

"Umm...you are wet," Oscar pointed out, sounding confused, causing Allison to look up.

"Oh, hi Oscar," Allison wiped the wet hair away from her face, giving him a soft smile.

"What happened?"

"Uhhh...it's raining out there."

"I know it's raining," Oscar said in an obvious tone. "That's why I canceled my dinner plans, but it looks like you didn't"

"You would be correct," Allison gave him a sheepish guilty smile. "But in our defense it was not raining when we went out."

"Don't you people check the weather reports?"



A/N: So we got all the four red bull drivers and Mr Piastri in this chapter.

Also poor Yuki..😅

Any predictions for this weekend? I feel like a little rain would make the race interesting

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