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Allison arrived at the paddock for media day and it didn't take long for her mood to get sour. First Lando took her parking spot while giving her a smug, so she had to go park a little far away. There was nothing she could have done from the backseat of the car, and her driver was just not in the mood to get in an altercation with an F1 driver. Then as soon as she entered the paddock an interviewer asked her a question which completely ruined her mood.

"You cursed at her?" Allison's manager, Beth, asked in a scolding tone. Beth was not happy since the FIA recently made a rule that drivers can't curse or say any swear words, if they did then there will be consequences.

"I didn't...well...I did," Allison replied as she sat in the chair, looking up at her manager. The driver felt like a child getting scolded. "But it was justified."

"What was justified?" Max walked in the room. There is supposed to be a small meeting before the interviews and the marketing stuff starts.

"Ally here cursed at an interviewer the second she arrived and someone has gone and complained it to the FIA," Beth replied, a frustrated tone in her voice.

"So?" Max was unsure what the problem was.

"See," Allison pointed at Max and looked at her manager. "It's not a big of a deal."

"Really? Because you have been summoned," Beth showed the driver the recent text.

"Summoned for cursing?" Max was in disbelief as he looked between his teammate and the manager. "This is ridiculous."

Allison just huffed and stood up, suddenly feeling like she is a little kid again and the adults are about to put her on time out.

"But what exactly did you say?" Max asked.

"One of the interviewers asked why I am here and not attending my mom's fashion show," Allison explained. "And I told her I am a fucking F1 driver, that's why I am here."

"That's it?" Once again Max is in disbelief.

"Better not keep the stewards waiting," Beth warned the younger driver.

Allison made a childish pouting face as she dragged her legs out of the room.

"You are next," She warned Max.

"I rarely curse," Max defended himself, but even he doesn't believe his own words.


Allison was right. It didn't take Max long to say a curse word and get himself in trouble. Both drivers now the talk of the paddock, the breaking news. Both Red Bull drivers are now ordered to do community service as punishment.

"They are crazy," Allison commented as both the drivers walked into the media panel.

"Bat-shit crazy," Max agreed.

Both have been badmouthing the FIA ever since they got scolded like they were kids. It was even subtly insinuated that Max is becoming a bad influence on Allison.


Allison returned from the media panel and ran into the only person she didn't want to see at that moment.

Toto Wolff grinned as soon as he saw his daughter. The news has reached his ears that his daughter got scolded for cursing and he couldn't help but find it amusing.

"Not now, dad," Allison glared at her father, but stopped to talk to him.

"You joined Red Bull and all these started happening," Toto joked. "By the way, I told your mom so you will be getting a call from her soon. You know how she feels about cursing."

"I hate you," Allison said, making a mental note to get revenge on her father.

"I know," Toto side hugged her. "See you tonight for dinner"

"You are paying."

"You are a fucking F1 driver now," Toto proudly pointed out. "You are paying for dinner."


A/N: So Ally and Max are both in trouble for cursing😅
I do think this new rule is ridiculous. What's next? The drivers can't look angry or sad because it makes the FIA sad?

So how do you think the qualy and race will go for Ally?

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