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I knew this all too well.

While most of the haunting nightmares showed nothing but a bright light covering my entire vision, this time, I felt like I was actually inside of the nightmare. Glancing around, I found myself standing in the middle of a dark, grassy plain. The moon shone brightly above my head, its subtle light illuminating the scenery before me.

Come to think of it, this place looked like the No Hunt Zone I visited to feed the crows, with a forest of mainly dead trees less dense than the actual place. It's a scenery that some townspeople would flock over to enjoy the fresh air, but visiting it by yourself would make you feel ominous with how the trees were looming over you.

"Where is it?" that same voice croaks in. Again, it felt odd, as the voice sounded distant, yet I was able to hear it clearly.

"Where's what?" I responded, trying to overcome the fear. Maybe, if I didn't fear it, I might be able to control my own dream.

It cackled, "You think this is a dream?" the voice echoed, this time, it sounded like it was getting farther away. "How cute."

Imagine hearing an entity in your dream read your mind out loud that — now, that's creepy. I stumbled a step back, still glancing around cautiously to locate the source of the sound. "Just show yourself and stop terrorizing me!"

A low rumble, followed by the ground shaking nearly made me lost my footing. The cackle grew louder as the earthquake grew stronger along with it. From a distance, I saw some sort of shadow, or was it a fog? Steam? Clouds? Whatever it was, it was moving towards me, as if trying to chase me.

My eyes jolted open, my entire body felt like falling down from the surprise. The position I'm in currently didn't feel so comfortable; sitting on the dining table with my arms covering my face as I had my forehead resting against the edge of the table. So, the first thing I saw, after adjusting to the dark, was my gray socks, and a pair of mismatched pale yellow and green socks.

I was surprised, for the second time. My neck felt stiff from the awkward sleeping position, as well as my shoulders. Slowly, I raised my head to rest my chin on the dining table, peeking in from behind my arms to see Xavier, snoring lightly across from me. The blonde's hair was disheveled, the sleeves of his white sweater rolled up to his elbows, arms outstretched all over the dining table with his fingers wrapping loosely around a blue ballpoint.

Glancing around the apartment, I spotted empty food containers in the trash bin under the sink — which reminded me of the events last. I was supposed to help Xavier with his reports as well as writing down an absence form for my nearly two days of absence. With a loud yawn, I stretched my arms up while glancing down at the scattered papers on the dining table.


I, (Name), would like to apologize for my sudden absence on the evening of Xth to the following day. Reasons for my absence is due to an unexpected abduction by a strange man in the No Hunt Zone          ← abducted for a day and a half? Jenna wouldn't buy that

— due to the unexpected power of a wanderer that greatly impacted me from my last mission(?)

↖         do you want to get fired????

maybe try using something like     due to an emergency that occurred during my last mission, which resulted with me leaving in haste considering the time scarcity.

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