Pink Madness for Loki

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Carolina, or, as her friends called her, the Pink Madness, was like a walking storm, a natural disaster in human form. At least, that's how Loki saw her. The other inhabitants of Asgard, including Odin and Frigga, had grown quite fond of the girl who had come to live with them as an Avenger, to exchange experiences.

She burst into Loki's life on a blistering morning, sweeping everything in her path like a pink hurricane, leaving behind chaos in the form of confetti and glitter, both pink.

Loki was dumbfounded. How could one ordinary Midgardian contain such immense physical strength, a sharp tongue, the stubbornness of a mule, and an obsession with everything pink and cute? To top it off, she had unruly curly blonde hair and a sprinkle of freckles.

This whirlwind of a person stirred so many conflicting emotions in him, and in just a couple of weeks, she had firmly lodged herself in his mind. Waking up that morning, Loki suddenly realized that without Carolina, his world would be duller and less vibrant—even though he didn't like the color pink.

How had this happened? How had Loki Laufeyson fallen in love? And with whom? Some Midgardian pink madness!

His mood soured. These new feelings both upset and frightened him.

Loki, who was used to controlling every thought and emotion, now felt like a prisoner to his own feelings. He tried his best to shake off this enchantment, but the more he resisted, the deeper the pink madness seeped into his mind. Everything about her irritated him: the way Carolina laughed, the way she teased him playfully, and how, despite everything, her presence had become so natural that he couldn't imagine his days without that pink-hooded chaos.

And so, that very morning, when he realized he was hopelessly in love with her curly head and the sparkling pink glitter on her cheeks, he decided to avoid Carolina.

He began to avoid her, barely hiding his tension every time she appeared in his sight. But the more he tried to keep his distance, the stronger the pull towards her grew, as if fate itself was mocking him, making him see her reflection in every pink twinkle and hear her laughter in every corner of the palace. He became more aggressive, snapping at people and family, losing focus, and sleeping poorly. And in his mind, there was only one person to blame—Carolina.

But how hard it was to fight one's own emotions...

One day, Loki was walking through the palace gardens. The sun was shining brightly, the wind rustled through the green leaves, birds chirped in the distance, and the castle gleamed in the golden rays. Everything was as peaceful and serene as usual, but Loki couldn't find peace. His thoughts kept drifting back to Carolina, even in the midst of this idyllic scene.

And, as if by the rule "think of the sun, and here comes the ray," Loki was so lost in thought that he didn't notice Carolina step onto the path, right in front of him.

"Hey," she greeted him with a wide smile, and Loki's heart skipped a beat.

He gritted his teeth, wanting to step around this nuisance, but the girl grabbed his sleeve.

"What?" she arched a thin eyebrow. "Not even going to say hello?"

Loki froze, feeling the warmth of her hand through the fabric, as though it was scorching his skin. He looked down at her, trying to maintain a cold expression.

"Well, hello," he said after a brief pause. "What do you want?"

Carolina chuckled and let go of his sleeve.

"I wanted to ask why you're always so grumpy? Snapping at everyone, and not even looking at me."

Loki didn't know what to say. He stood there for a minute, staring dumbly at the girl, then sighed and walked away silently.

"Hey!" Carolina called out in surprise, catching up to him and grabbing his sleeve again. "Where are you going? You didn't answer."

"You wanted to ask, and you did," Loki said, stopping. "But I don't owe you an answer."

Carolina frowned, unwilling to let him off so easily.

"Oh no, Loki Laufeyson, I'm not giving up that easily," she said stubbornly, a spark of challenge flashing in her eyes.

Loki felt the familiar wave of irritation rise within him, but along with it came something else—a strange, inappropriate urge to give in to her stubborn, audacious assault.

"Why do you keep running away?" Carolina pressed, watching him intently.

Loki tensed, realizing that her words were making him want to tell the truth. He wanted to respond with sarcasm, to push her away again, but the words stuck in his throat.

"What did I do to upset you?" Carolina asked, peering into Loki's eyes.

Her gaze, full of confusion, the pink eyeshadow on her lids, the hesitant smile on her soft lips—it all blended into an inevitable feeling that Loki could no longer ignore.

"Why are you avoiding me?" she asked even more quietly, gripping his arm tighter.

Loki's walls crumbled, and he felt all his inner resistance dissolve like a sandcastle under the wave, leaving him vulnerable. Inside, a conflict raged between the fear of rejection and an overwhelming desire for honesty.

"I...," he began in a raspy, uncertain voice. "I'm avoiding you because I can't fight it."

"Fight what?"

"The urge to shake you... and then kiss you."

"Well, skip the first part."


"Kiss me, Loki, I'm saying!"

Her words were so unexpected and resolute that Loki froze for a moment, unable to believe his ears. He searched her eyes for a joke but found only sincerity and a deep desire.

As if obeying her will, he slowly leaned in, his heart pounding wildly in his chest. His lips touched hers, and at that moment, everything else vanished. Loki felt the tension and fear melt away in that simple, genuine touch, and his earlier doubts gave way to what now seemed like the only truth—to be with Carolina, here and now. Always.

"You're my pink madness," he whispered, breaking the kiss for a moment.

"And you're my dark obsession," she replied in the same tone.

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