Alvita (16 +)

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Of the two brothers who had the unfortunate fate of running into their long-forgotten sister Hela, Loki was the first to land on Sakaar, the garbage planet surrounded by wormholes.

Finding himself in the middle of a junkyard and painfully hitting his tailbone on a jagged piece of metal, he hadn't expected to encounter a real Valkyrie. She had long, snow-white hair, clear blue eyes, and a sly smirk on her full lips. She easily overpowered the dark-haired God and delivered him straight to the Grandmaster.

As much as Loki had been furious with her, deep down, he had to admit - the girl wasn't just beautiful; she was deadly strong, and her soul was as battered and lost as his own.

In no time, Loki befriended the Grandmaster - the so-called ruler of the garbage planet - and within a couple of days, he practically felt like a king, eagerly and deviously awaiting his brother's arrival. He also got acquainted with Scrapper-142 - another Valkyrie and the best friend of the blue-eyed woman who had so swiftly captured him upon his arrival.

"And what's the real name of the second Valkyrie?" Loki asked the "ruler," lounging lazily on a couch in some club.

The music was pounding so loud it felt like their eardrums might burst. Luckily, they were in a private VIP booth with soundproof curtains.

"You mean my best mercenary?" the Grandmaster clarified, sipping a cocktail from a tall glass. "Scrapper-142?"

"No, the other one."

"Oh, I think her name's Alvita," the man said, scratching his head before taking another sip.

Loki nodded, and spotting the white-haired Valkyrie on the dance floor, he quickly left the Grandmaster to enjoy his magnificence in peace.

Slipping smoothly through the sweaty, noisy crowd of dancers, he found himself right next to her. Happy to see that Scrapper-142 wasn't nearby, he leaned in and whispered softly into her ear, "Alvita," drawing out her name sweetly. "So that's the name of my captor."

The girl flinched and quickly turned to face Loki. His eyes sparkled with mischievous fire.

"Your name means 'Protector.'"

"I know," Alvita replied, lifting her chin defiantly. "What do you want, younger son of Odin?"

"I just wanted to spend some time with you," he said, his eyes slowly tracing her slender figure. "You move beautifully."

"Was that a compliment?" the girl smirked.

Loki didn't answer. Instead, he smiled mysteriously, grabbing two drinks from a passing waiter's tray and offering one to the Valkyrie.

"To us! To new acquaintances!" he declared with a flourish.

They downed one drink, then a second, and a third. The dancing grew hotter, their bodies closer - they burned each other with their breath and devoured each other with hazy, lust-filled glances.

By midnight, they had somehow slipped out of the club and ended up at her place.

"So why did you follow me?" Alvita asked as they stood at the door to her apartment.

"To walk you home," the dark-haired god whispered hoarsely, "and to steal a kiss. Payment for my capture."

She wanted to protest, to send Loki far away, but didn't get the chance.

His demanding lips captured hers, and all thoughts vanished, replaced by a fiery storm brewing deep inside her.

She didn't resist; she didn't want to. She wanted to feel his scorching touch, to burn. Sensing no resistance, Loki dropped all restraint, kissing her fiercely, ravishing her lips with passionate hunger.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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