Nightmares (16 +)

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The clock struck midnight-a time often thought of as childish, but Amelia had already gone to bed. She drifted into a deep sleep, longing for just one night's rest without the horror of witnessing bloody deaths.

Yet as soon as her head touched the pillow and her eyes closed, restless dreams invaded her curly head.

Amelia had lost both her parents at a young age, and later, her grandmother passed away. Now, after every hard battle, nightmares relentlessly haunted her.

Some say nightmares spare few, while others claim they target children, whose minds are more vulnerable. But Amelia was no child. She was an adult-an adult who, every night, was tormented by the ghosts of her past.

Tonight was no different. Amelia tossed and turned in her bed, her brow furrowed, her eyes squeezed shut, with quiet groans slipping through her bitten lips.

At first, she dreamed of a sunny day, one of those perfect days near summer's end, when you realize the warmth won't last much longer. You begin savoring every moment, knowing that gray, rainy days will soon take over.

She wasn't alone. Amelia joyfully ran across a sunlit green field, laughing. Behind her, Loki ran-relaxed, smiling, without the usual sharp intensity in his blue eyes. Amelia's deepest wish was to heal Loki and see him happy and at peace. Normally, he hid his emotions behind a mask of indifference and dark humor. And though this was the Loki she had fallen in love with, she longed to see him truly free, to rid him of the nightmares that bound him.

As she raced through the field, basking in the sunlight, warmth, and Loki's laughter, the sky suddenly darkened. The grass vanished, leaving her barefoot on cold, barren ground, enveloped in silence.

Before her stood her parents-ghosts, with bloody tears streaming down their cheeks.

"You killed him," her mother said.

"Killed him," her father echoed. "Killed."

Amelia trembled, tears spilling from her eyes.

"No," she whispered hoarsely.

The ghosts disappeared as abruptly as they had come, but Amelia no longer noticed.

"No," she whispered again, desperation in her voice.

She didn't want to turn around. She knew what awaited her. She wanted to close her eyes, to scream and run as far as she could, but an invisible force pulled at her, forcing her to turn and see what she had done.

Slowly, Amelia turned, trying to keep her eyes closed. She didn't want to believe in death. She couldn't bear to see him dead again.

"Please, no," she cried, "Loki, please!"

And at that moment, when her gaze finally landed on Loki's lifeless body, his once-brilliant blue eyes now cold and dead, she was pulled from the nightmare into someone's strong, warm embrace.

"Breathe," Loki whispered into her ear, kissing her softly. "It's just a nightmare, it's alright, baby, everything's alright."

She was back in her room, sitting on her disheveled bed with Loki holding her close.

Loki-alive, warm, and here.

Tears flowed down her cheeks once more. Amelia wrapped her arms around his strong shoulders, clinging to him, soaking in his warmth.

"You're alive, alive," she kept repeating, kissing his face between sobs.

"Yes, I'm alive," Loki whispered back.

His heart ached. His beloved had suffered through another nightmare, and he hadn't been there to wake her in time.

He cursed his magic-useless when it came to helping Amelia. He didn't know how to protect her from her own mind.

But Amelia's heart had found peace. Her breathing calmed, and her soul quieted now.

"It was just a nightmare," her mind reassured her.

She caught Loki's lips in a kiss.

Loki kissed her back tenderly, gently, afraid to hurt her.

Amelia wound her arms around his neck, burying her fingers in his dark hair. She deepened the kiss, needing to feel him, to know he was alive. She wanted to give herself to him completely, for only with Loki did she not feel alone.

Pulling him down, Amelia found herself pressed against the soft mattress, enveloped by the strength of his body. The kiss grew hotter, and soon Loki's hands began exploring her body, their delicate touch igniting and exciting her.

She craved more-wanted to press closer, feel their breaths quicken, and catch the soft moans escaping from their lips.

Loki was like the ocean, encompassing her entirely-stirring her emotions, calming her fears, and promising to always be by her side.

And Amelia was like a flame-burning with desire, unable to extinguish the fire that raged within her, the same fire that nightmares rekindled each night.

They melted into each other's touch, giving in to the waves of passion, until the desire between them became unbearable.

Loki quickly shed his pajama bottoms and just as skillfully helped Amelia slip out of her cotton nightgown, revealing her captivating beauty.

They paused for just a moment, gazing into each other's eyes, reflecting the depth of their feelings. Then they came together in a fiery dance of love.

Loki's rhythmic thrusts sent waves of pleasure through Amelia's body, their lips catching each other's moans. Amelia arched into him, her body melting under the heat of his fiery kisses, trying to pull him even closer.

Their release came together-an overwhelming wave of pleasure coursing through their veins, stars bursting before their eyes.

Later that night, as Loki held the sleeping Amelia close to his chest, he pondered. Listening to her calm breathing, he swore an oath to the yellow moon, shamelessly peeking into their bedroom window, he vowed to stay by her side, to never leave her, to protect her from her nightmares, so that he would never again see the pain and despair in her beautiful eyes.

IMAGINES: LOKI x READERWhere stories live. Discover now